International Legal Frameworks for Animal Protection: Safeguarding Wildlife and Promoting Welfare


     Animal rights or welfare has gained a lot of significance in the contemporary international relations with many laws and treaties being put in place to protect and conserve them from human adverse activities that lead to extinction. These international frameworks also posit the ideological recognition of the worth of animals; not only is it ontologically and existentially acknowledged, but animals are also acknowledged as vital environmental partners that should be ethically protected by humans. The current article is devoted to the consideration of such international agreements and legislation that is directed at the prevention of the harm of animals and the stipulation of their protection.

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) :-  

     The CITES Convention is one of the most prominent global instruments in the sphere of the animal right protection. CITES was set up in 1973 and its job is to stop international trade in wildlife from causing species to die out. It has over 183 member states and it controls trade in over 38,000 species of the animals and plants. 

     CITES works through a mechanism of trading permits and certificates which are created for import, export and re-export of the species which have been enlisted in the three appendices of the treaty. These appendices distinguish species according to the level of endangerment – Appendix I comprises species which are at risk of becoming extinct, and therefore subject to the highest levels of control of trade in specimens. Appendix II includes species that are likely to become threatened with extinction if trade is not strictly controlled. Appendix III lists those species which are in certain countries subject to prohibition of trade and for which the country concerned requests notification or seeks assistance in control. 

     CITES has turned out to be the most powerful environmental tool as it has played a very crucial role in conservation of many species by addressing the problem of illegal and unsustainable trade of species. But there are still some pitfalls, especially, as for the practices of enforcement, as for the methods, helping to bypass the system.

Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS or Bonn Convention) :- 

     The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, also known as the CMS or the Bonn Convention is yet another key framework convention in animal protection . CMS is a legal document adopted in 1979 that came into force in 1983; it provides a basis for the regulation of the conservation and utilization of migratory animals and their habitats at an international level. 

     CMS argues that some of the species in migratory species cross national borders hence it is important to ensure to conserve the species in all the countries through which the migratory species roam. It is through such agreements that these states are able to work together with regards to conservation of species of wild animals via conventions that are specific to the concerned species or group of species. 

     Such exchange can be of legal or non-legal commitments and encompasses issues relating to a number of conservation concerns from habitat conservation research and monitoring. These include; AEWA and ACAP among some of the important agreements under CMS. These agreements have led to companies entering into joint ventures for the protection of critical habitats and to deal with such issues as fisheries by-catches the organisation of further research and public information campaigns.

International Whaling Commissions (IWC) :-

     The International Whaling commissions also IWC is a commission that was formed in 1946 under the International convention for regulating the whaling business. The IWC’s core mandate is to facilitate the protection of whale species while also promoting sustainable growth of the whaling business. Since then the IWC as an organization has become increasing concerned with conservation especially after the creation of the commercial whaling ban in 1986. 

     This creation of this ban is extremely important however it is not an absolute one. Japan’s and Norway’s commercial whaling under objection and Iceland’s commercial whaling under objection to the moratorium and Japan conducts whaling under the facade of scientific research although it left IWC in 2019 to reconnect operational commercial whaling in its waters. 

     Still, the IWC has been exceptionally essential in shielding whale populations from over exploitation. They have also ventured into other protective measures like solving incidental catches and ship strikes plus marine pollution affecting the whale species.

Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare (UDAW) :-

     The full form of UDAW is the international advocacy movement that advocates for the promotion of the understanding on animals’ welfare at the United Nations. These are not legal requirements, but an effort to show that animals are sentient and the proposals advocate for animal welfare in decision making at all levels of government. 

     The UDAW advocates for the acknowledgment of the five freedoms, which outline basic principles of animal welfare: the five fundamental freedoms of the welfare of animals which include freedom of hunger and thirst; freedom of discomfort; freedom of pain, injury and disease; freedom of expression or normal behavior; freedom of fear and distress. And so by propelling these values UDAW are hoping to start changes in the national and universal policies to receive better treatment and protection of animals around the world. 

     Although many governments and organizations and individuals also continue to support the UDAW, UDAW is not statutory compulsory programme or convention and is voluntary and on countries’ willingness to embrace potential animal welfare enhancements in legal and policy systems, UDAW also depends for how far and to what extent it could be successful.

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) :-

     The CBD was approved in 1992 and it is a legal document that has three principal goals: to maintain biological diversity; to utilize the component in a way that is sustainable; and to attempt to share equitably any benefits that have arisen from the use of genetic resources. The preservation of a diversity of animal species can be mentioned as a traditional component of this ultimate goal. 

     Taking its cue from this the CBD realizes that animals and other species are very important in preserving the ecology and existence of the human race as a distinct species. It advocates for the construction of national parks and reserves for such endangered species and recovering ecosystems as well as for sustainable practices to minimize cases of species extinction and threatened sites. 

     Aichi targets are those specific pragmatic targets developed in the context of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 which is the main implementing mechanism of CBD. These targets includes specific goals for the conservation of biological diversity for example: Increase of areas of natura; the rate of decline of known threatened species and protect portion of particular important of biological diversity through means such as protected areas. 

     The impact of CBD could be regarded as an increased awareness and the initiatives taken by the countries to prevent biodiversity loss. However, it further realization needs necessary and the increased dependency of one country on others, which is very important regarding the threats, including Deforestation, Climate Change, and Environmental Pollution.

Regional and Species-Specific Agreements :-

     In addition to global treaties, there are various local and species-specific agreements that play essential roles in animal protection. These agreements often deal with particular conservation demanding situations confronted with the aid of particular areas or species organizations.

     For instance, the Agreement at the Conservation of Polar Bears, signed in 1973 by using the five polar undergo range states (Canada, Denmark, Norway, the US, and Russia), focuses on protective polar undergo habitats and dealing with sustainable populations. Similarly, the Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), installed in 1982, ambitions to maintain marine life and the environmental integrity of the Southern Ocean.

     Another incredible instance is the Memorandum of Understanding for the Conservation of Cetaceans and Their Habitats inside the Pacific Islands Region (Pacific Cetaceans MOU), which addresses the threats to cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) within the Pacific Islands area. This MOU promotes cooperation most of the Pacific Island international locations to implement conservation measures, conduct studies, and lift public awareness.

     These local and species-particular agreements supplement worldwide treaties by means of addressing localized conservation needs and fostering collaboration amongst international locations with shared pursuits and responsibilities.

Challenges and Future Directions :-

     While international legal guidelines and agreements have made considerable strides in protecting animals, challenges continue to be. Enforcement and compliance are chronic issues, as the effectiveness of those treaties regularly relies upon at the political will and sources of member countries. Additionally, unlawful natural world trade, habitat destruction, climate change, and other human activities hold to pose huge threats to animal species.

     To deal with those demanding situations, it's far critical to reinforce global cooperation, decorate enforcement mechanisms, and sell more public attention and training approximately the significance of animal conservation. Innovations in generation, along with satellite monitoring and DNA evaluation, also can aid in monitoring and defensive animal populations.

     Furthermore, integrating animal welfare considerations into broader environmental and development rules can help ensure that conservation efforts are sustainable and holistic. This consists of spotting the interconnections among animal welfare, biodiversity, and human properly-being.