Rice Bran Oil : Best For Cooking & Read Health Benefits

What Is Rice Bran Oil?

     Rice bran carrier oil, also known as rice bran extract, is obtained from the brown hard oil layer between the outer shell and the rice grains inside. Rice bran carrier oils may contain natural deposits that can cause cloudiness; however, if desired, further filtration can be used to remove deposits prior to use. Rice bran carrier oil helps maintain skin health by enhancing the skin's natural ability to regenerate, boosting hydration, soothing irritation and improving the appearance of the skin's surface, thereby preventing skin conditions such as eczema.

Benefits Of Rice Bran Oil :

Good For Cooking : 

     Because it does not require hydrogenation for stabilization, rice bran oil is a high-quality natural liquid frying oil that is also free of trans fatty acids. Rice bran oil can also be used for high heat cooking, but it is more flexible as it works well for drizzling and other cooking purposes. Known for its high smoke point of 232 degrees Celsius (450 degrees Fahrenheit) and mild flavor, it is suitable for high-temperature cooking methods such as frying. Rice bran oil has a high smoke point (burn), making rice bran oil ideal for frying, stir-frying, or stir-frying, and an excellent alternative to the hydrogenated oils that contain trans fats used in fryers today.

Source Of Vitamin E :

     Rice bran oil contains more vitamin E (the two active forms of tocopherols and tocotrienols), while olive oil has much less vitamin E. Tocopherol, a powerful antioxidant in rice bran oil, reduces oxidative stress, slows aging, and prevents skin problems such as acne. and pigmentation.

Rich Source Of Fatty Acids :

     However, in today's Western diet, we tend to consume too many omega-6 fatty acids and not enough omega-3s, so it is best to use rice bran in cooking in balance with other omega-3 rich oils such as soybeans, linseed oil, and butter. canola. . Rice Bran Oil contains beneficial unsaturated fatty acids: monounsaturated fatty acids (5 g) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (4.8 g) per serving, which help increase HDL (good) cholesterol and lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, as well as 2 .7 g of saturated fatty acid cholesterol. . 

Rich Source Of Good Fat :

Rice bran oil has the best balance of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats as recommended by organizations such as the American Heart Association and the World Health Organization. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) have recommended that an oil containing equal amounts of saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats is best for improving heart health, and rice oil for the brain is almost close to that. to this ratio.

Improvement In Cholesterol Levels :

     Researchers attribute the improvement in cholesterol levels to the phytosterols in the oil, which prevent the body from absorbing cholesterol. In a laboratory animal study, rats fed a tocotrienol-rich (TRF)-enriched vitamin E fraction derived from rice bran oil had a 42% reduction in total cholesterol. Tocotrienol (TRF) extracted from rice bran oil. 

High Antioxidant Content :

     The researchers believe that the high antioxidant content in the oil may be the reason. Due to the high vitamin E content in rice bran oil, rice bran oil stimulates blood flow and proper healing in the scalp, which affects scalp health and fights dandruff.

Important Source Of Gamma Oryzanol Minerals & Carbs :

     RBO is derived from rice husks, a by-product of the rice processing industry, and is gaining in importance as a cooking oil due to the presence of an important trace mineral, gamma oryzanol. The predominant staple food for more than half of the world's population, rice is made up of several layers. Rice (both white and brown rice and other varieties of rice) is an important source of carbohydrates.

Protect Skin :

     Rice bran oil protects the skin from UV rays, environmental pollutants, helps reduce skin irritation, acne, wrinkles and fine lines.

Other Uses :

  • Cakes and other pastries based on rice oil are light and tasty. 
  • Rice oil coated pans and muffin pans make it easy to take pastries out of the pot or pot. 
  • Rice oil is said to give the coat of horses and dogs a rich and lustrous appearance. 
  • Rice bran oil also contains 29% of the Daily Value (DV) for vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin associated with immune function and vascular health. 
  • Rice oil works best with salad dressings to enhance the flavor of baked goods while providing cholesterol-lowering, nutritional and antioxidant benefits. 
  • Its low viscosity allows less oil to be absorbed during cooking, reducing overall calorie content. 
  • Since rice oil has a light taste, it can be used for cooking.

Difference Of Rice Bran Oil & Sunflower Oil :

     Sunflower oil and rice bran oil have a higher smoke point, but some people don't like the taste of these oils, especially rice bran oil (due to the extraction process). Olive oil offers what many consider the more appealing flavor of the three oils, but it has a lower smoke point and should not be used for frying. Sunflower oil is generally considered a healthy source of monounsaturated fats, and rice bran oil is popular as a general-purpose hypoallergenic oil. People with diabetes may need to use sunflower oil with caution, as it can lead to high sugar levels.