Nutmeg Oil : The Magical Healing Oil

What Is Nutmeg Oil?

     Nutmeg is a spice that has been used for thousands of years. It's also one of the most underrated spices in the world. Nutmeg oil is a natural remedy that can help you heal from a variety of ailments. It's made by pressing the nutmeg fruit to extract the oil.

     Nutmeg oil is extracted from the nutmeg fruit, which many people might not know is actually a seed! The plant, Myristica fragrans, grows in the Banda Islands of Indonesia and it’s used to make both nutmeg and mace. Nutmeg oil is a dark yellowish-brown color, but it can also be clear if the extraction process is done right.

Healing Properties Of Nutmeg Oil :

Improves Digestion :

     One of the ways nutmeg oil can help you heal is by improving your digestion and reducing stomach upset, diarrhea, and nausea. This oil will also help relieve constipation, heartburn and gas pains.

Relieves Pain :

     Nutmeg oil can be rubbed on skin or massaged into muscles to reduce aches, pains and muscle tension associated with arthritis and other joint problems. If you're having problems with headaches, nutmeg oil can also help relieve them too as it contains sedative properties that work as an effective painkiller to ease tension and reduce inflammation in the brain tissue.

Improves Mood & Aids Sleep Quality :

     Nutmeg Oil helps improve mood while aiding sleep quality because it contains essential oils that are known to relieve stress, anxiety and depression while fighting insomnia.

How To Use Nutmeg Oil For Healing ?

  • One way to use nutmeg oil is by rubbing it on the skin as a massage oil. Rubbing nutmeg oil on your skin can relieve muscle tension, increase circulation, and help with sleep. 
  • To relieve pain, apply it topically to the desired area or rub onto your temples and jawline. 
  • You can also take it internally by adding one teaspoon of grated nutmeg to boiling water and strain through a fine-mesh sieve or tea strainer; drink up to three cups a day.

Side Effects & Precautions :

     Nutmeg oil is a natural remedy that can help you heal from a variety of ailments, but it does not come without risks. You should consult your doctor before using any type of natural remedy.