Yeast : The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

     Yeast is one of the chief causes of infection in humans and is also one of the oldest organisms on earth. It has been around for more than 3 billion years, making it a hardy creature. The good news is that many strains are harmless or even beneficial to people. However, there are some yeast infections that are harmful to those with weakened immune systems, namely people with cancer or AIDS.

What Is Yeast?

Yeast is a type of fungus that has the ability to ferment sugars and produce alcohol. For example, yeast is the cause of alcohol production in beer, wine and cider. Yeast also plays an important role in baking, fermentation (for food), and recycling waste products like paper mills. Yeast is also responsible for most all cases of yeast infections.

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly :

Yeast is a fungus found on the skin and in the gut. There are three different types of yeast:

  • The Good : These strains can cause allergies, but they don't usually pose life-threatening problems.
  • The Bad : This is the type that causes infections. Some strains can be harmful to people with weakened immune systems, like those with cancer or AIDS.
  • The Ugly : The last type is called Candida albicans, which can cause an infection called candidiasis. Symptoms include vaginal discharge and diaper rash in infants.

Yeast In The Body :

     Yeast can exist in different parts of the body, but when it infects a human being, it typically settles in the mouth. The yeast will then eat sugar that is in the mouth and release acid. The acid creates an environment that is favorable to more yeast growth. It also causes tooth decay and bad breath.

     Simply brushing your teeth or irrigating your mouth with hydrogen peroxide will not remove all of the yeast from the mouth. You have to use a specific type of antimicrobial mouthwash or antifungal medication to eliminate all traces of the yeast infection. If you have HIV, diabetes or another immune-compromising condition, you must see a doctor for treatment because you are at a greater risk of developing oral thrush infections.

Yeast & Cancer Patients :

     A yeast infection can be deadly to a person with a weakened immune system, like those with cancer or AIDS. Yeast cells in the body can cause these individuals to become immunocompromised and are more susceptible to infections. In the case of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, yeast infections can take advantage of the lowered immune system and lead to the spread of infection to other parts of the body.

     People who have HIV or AIDS are also at risk for developing yeast infections. These people are often underweight and have a weakened immune system due to their treatment. In this case, the yeast is able to grow more rapidly, which makes it difficult for them to fight off the infection on their own. As a result, they need stronger medications or stronger antibiotics that would not be used on someone without these illnesses.

Yeast's Effect On Cancer Patients :

     Yeast is one of the many challenges cancer patients face when fighting the disease. When cancer patients undergo chemotherapy or radiation, their immune systems are weakened, and their bodies are less able to fight off infections. This can make yeast infections more common.

However, with proper care, yeast infections can be avoided or minimized.

  • Antifungal creams can be used to treat yeast infections 
  • Cleaning with soap and water and drying the area after urination helps prevent yeast infections 
  • Immunizations may be recommended for cancer patients to help strengthen immune system

Conclusion :

     Yeast is a fungus, but it is also a unicellular organism that lives in our bodies and on the surface of our skin. It is good for our health, but it can also have bad consequences.