Vitamin A Benefits : What You Didn't Know

     Vitamin A is the more commonly known name for retinol, which is a type of vitamin A. Retinol is a nutrient that helps protect cells from damage and keeps your skin and hair healthy. Vitamin A benefits are numerous, but most people only know about them when it comes to preventing dryness, acne, and wrinkles. 

Vitamin A Benefits :

  1. Vitamin A benefits the respiratory system.
  2. Vitamin A is also vital for maintaining healthy teeth and bones.
  3. Vitamin A can help protect against cancer.
  4. It can also reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and hypertension.
  5. Vitamin A helps maintain a healthy immune system.
  6. Studies have shown that vitamin A can even combat depression.

Vitamin A Deficiency :

  • Vitamin A deficiency is a major global health issue. It's estimated that nearly half of the world's population does not get enough vitamin A from their diet.
  • Vitamin A deficiency causes problems within the body, most notably dry eye syndrome and night blindness. Vitamin A also helps with digestion, vision, reproduction, and bone growth.
  • Once people develop vitamin A deficiency, they will have to take high doses of supplements in order to recover. They may also need surgery to correct conditions like cataracts or corneal opacity.

Vitamin A For Oral Health :

  • Vitamin A is beneficial to your oral health. Vitamin A can help with your teeth and gums, reduce plaque buildup on your teeth, and protect you from gum disease.
  • The vitamin also helps fight cavities by reducing the number of bacteria that live in your mouth. Without this protection, tooth decay can spread quickly and cause serious problems for you.

Vitamin A For Skin Health & Acne :

  • It's important to know that vitamin A is not just a factor in the prevention of acne and wrinkles. Vitamin A also has a role in healthy skin.
  • One of the most common benefits of vitamin A is its role in protecting cells from damage. This means that you'll have fewer wrinkles, improved elasticity, and less dryness on your skin if you take vitamin A supplements.
  • Vitamin A can also help to prevent acne by reducing sebum production and decreasing inflammation.

Source Of Vitamin A :

  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Eggs
  • Liver
  • Green Vegetables
  • Nuts

How Much Retinol Do You Need?

     The recommended vitamin A intake is 800 mcg per day. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) advises people to get their retinol from food sources rather than supplements because they may contain harmful substances like pesticides.

Conclusion :

     Vitamin A, which is also known as retinol, is known for its effects on the skin and bones. The benefits of retinol are not limited to the cosmetic realm and are often overlooked, but it can be used for improving the health of your teeth and bones.

     Retinol can also be used for treating acne and improving your overall skin health. Retinol is not only a cosmetic benefit in many cases but a medical one as well. With a little research on the benefits of vitamin A, you can make sure to use it as part of your daily skincare routine.