Know More About Vitamin B1

     Vitamin B1 is important for your body both physically and mentally. It helps to produce energy, gives you strength, and helps to fight off diseases. Unfortunately, many people don’t get enough of this nutrient. In fact, many people believe that vitamin B1 is a waste of time and money to take it from food. 

What Is Vitamin B1?

     Vitamin B1 is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential in the production of red blood cells, DNA, and other chemical compounds. It's primarily found in animal foods like beef, chicken, fish, eggs and milk. Vitamin B1 also has an important role in promoting proper brain function.

     To get more vitamin B1 from your food, you'll want to choose foods rich in it such as meat, fish, whole eggs and dairy products. These foods give you the most vitamin B1 per serving.

What Are The Benefits Of Taking Vitamin B1?

     Vitamin B1 is an essential nutrient that helps your body build energy and provide you with mental strength. It works best when taken with a source of carbohydrates, like fruits and vegetables. Your body can’t make it on its own, so always eat a healthy diet to ensure that you get enough of this vitamin.

Conclusion :

     Vitamin B1 is a coenzyme that helps your body metabolize protein. When you eat certain foods, especially certain types of meat and dairy products, a small amount of vitamin B1 is taken up by your body and stored. But when you don't eat enough of those foods, and you don't take in enough vitamin B1, your body can't make vitamin B1 and you suffer from a deficiency.

     To maximize your daily intake of vitamin B1, you should consume foods rich in Vitamin B1 such as oysters, fish eggs, poultry eggs, lean beef, milk, cereals, nuts and seeds. But try not to eat processed foods and refined carbohydrates like white breads, crackers and cereals.

     Vitamin B1 is also known as pantothenic acid or cobalamin. It is found in meats, eggs, poultry and dairy products.