Is Vitamin D Making You Fat?

     Vitamin D is a fat-sucking supplement that people love to take. But are you really getting the benefits of this vitamin? Vitamin D is produced in the skin when we get exposed to sunlight, but with more and more people living indoors and wearing sunscreen, it’s harder and harder for our bodies to produce enough vitamin D. That’s why many doctors recommend taking supplements.

What Is Vitamin D?

     Vitamin D is a fat-sucking supplement that people love to take. It’s also known as the sunshine vitamin because it can only be produced in the skin when our body gets exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D is necessary for the body to absorb calcium and build healthy bones, but it’s also been shown in research studies that it helps prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and weight gain by regulating inflammation levels in the body.

     There are many different supplements available with varying levels of vitamin D depending on how much you need and what your health needs are. If you want to know if it’s right for you and how much you should be taking, keep reading!

How Much Vitamin D Should You Take?

     Vitamin D is majorly produced in the skin when you're exposed to sunlight. However, with more and more people living indoors and wearing sunscreen, it's hard for our bodies to produce enough vitamin D. That’s why many doctors recommend taking supplements.

     Currently, the recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 600 IU for women and 800 IU for men. However, if you go over 10,000 IU per day, there are some side effects like high blood pressure or kidney stones. You should also talk to your doctor before beginning this supplement because sometimes there can be too much vitamin D in your body which leads to toxicity issues such as nausea or hyperparathyroidism.

Benefits Of Vitamin D :

There are some benefits of taking vitamin D : 

  • Vitamin D can help your mood and relieve depression.
  • It helps protect against the development of diabetes.
  • It can reduce asthma attacks.
  • Some doctors say that vitamin D can even help prevent cancer.
  • Vitamin D has been shown to help prevent cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and weight gain by regulating inflammation levels in the body thus lowering the risk for these diseases.
  • It also helps your bones stay strong which can prevent bone fractures

     If you want to get these benefits and save a little money on your supplements, it might be worth considering taking a daily multivitamin with vitamin D in it. It’s also important to make sure you’re getting enough sunlight each day to produce the recommended amount of vitamin D.

What Happen If You Take Too Much Vitamin D?

     If you take too much vitamin D, you can experience a number of side effects such as high blood pressure, kidney stones, and changes to your cholesterol levels. If you are taking over 10,000 IU of supplement per day, it's best to talk with your doctor about how much is safe for you.

     Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for our bodies overall so it's important that we make sure we're getting the benefits from taking this vitamin. However, if you're not feeling any benefits from vitamin D supplements or if you feel like they aren't helping at all then it might be time to switch to another supplement!

Conclusion :

     Vitamin D is a vital nutrient that helps regulate growth and function of cells, bones, and teeth. It also has some other benefits such as reduced risk of cancer and inflammation. However, it is important to remember that too much Vitamin D can be toxic.