Sago : The Best-Kept Secret To Weight Loss

     Sago is a staple food in the countries of South Asia, Indonesia and Africa. It was introduced to the rest of the world by Portuguese traders who used it to sweeten their own cuisines. This healthy food can be found in many grocery stores or as a packaged snack.

     We are all looking for that one thing that will help us lose weight and stay healthy. There are countless diets out there, but they either leave you feeling hungry or unsatisfied. Sago is a magical ingredient that can help you maintain your weight loss goals by satisfying your hunger and giving you more energy!

What Is Sago?

     Sago is a starch found in the pith of a tree that is not a palm. This type of starch is common in South Asia, Indonesia, and Africa. Sago has been around since the 16th century and was brought to Portugal by traders who used it as a substitute for sugar. The word "sago" comes from the Portuguese word "açúcar."

     The most popular use of sago today is as an ingredient in sago pudding. It can also be used in bread, cakes, or soups. If you're looking for healthier foods to add to your diet, try adding some sago to your dish!

The Benefits Of Sago :

  • Sago is a healthy, gluten-free carbohydrate that can be found in many grocery stores or as a packaged snack. 
  • It is a good source of energy and contains less than one gram of fat. 
  • It also has no cholesterol, which can be dangerous for people with high cholesterol.
  • People who eat sago on a regular basis have reported feeling more energized and less hungry between meals. 
  • It contains more fiber than most other grains, which helps fill your stomach for longer periods of time. 
  • Sago is also an excellent food for weight loss.
  • It doesn't contain any sugar or oil and will keep you feeling full for hours after you've eaten it!

How To Make Sago :

     Sago is a staple food in the countries of South Asia, Indonesia and Africa. It was introduced to the rest of the world by Portuguese traders who used it to sweeten their own cuisines. This healthy food can be found in many grocery stores or as a packaged snack.

It's really easy to make sago! Here's how:

  1. Boil water and add sago pearls 
  2. Cook for 5-10 minutes until clear 
  3. Add sugar or honey to taste.