Clove Plant : Uses, Health Benefits & What It Isn't

What Is Clove?

     Cloves are the aromatic flower buds that are either harvested whole or ground into a powder to use as a spice. Clove is an interesting spice because it has so many different uses and health benefits. But one thing you should know about clove is that it's not the same thing as cinnamon. They're different plants with similar flavors, but they’re still different. 

Uses For Clove :

     The uses of clove are quite extensive, it can be used as a spice in food or as an aromatic. However, clove can also be used for teeth grinding or to help ease toothaches.

     The main use for this plant is as a spice. Cloves add flavor to dishes and can also be used in making teas and potpourri. It’s also often found in commercial mouthwashes because clove has been known to have some benefits in easing toothaches and bad breath.

Health Benefits Of Clove :

  • Cloves are typically used in order to relieve toothache. 
  • They have been traditionally used in Chinese medicine for this purpose. The compounds in cloves can act as an analgesic, which is why we use them to reduce pain. 
  • Cloves can also be used to help with digestion and even help fight against gas and bloating.
  • Most of these health benefits come from clove’s ability to act as a carminative, meaning it helps ease the buildup of gas in the stomach and intestines by stimulating nerves that control bowel movements. 
  • Cloves are also antibacterial and antiseptic, meaning they can kill or impede the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath and other problems related to oral health.
  • Although they are similar, there are a few differences between clove and cinnamon. Cinnamon is more fragrant than clove, and it has a coarser texture. It also has a reddish-brown color when its dry, but clove has no color at all. Cinnamon bark is much thicker than the bark of a clove plant.
  • Cloves can be used to make medicines for toothaches or infections such as bad breath and gum disease. 
  • They can also be used to make perfumes. 
  • The spice is a flavoring for meat, pickles, and fruit. 
  • Cloves are also used to flavor liqueurs and spirits such as gin, vermouth, and schnapps. 
  • Clove essential oil is often used in aromatherapy because it's believed to have calming effects, decrease stress, and promote relaxation. 
  • It's also been thought to help with dental pain and gum disease.

Conclusion :

     Cloves are the dried, unopened flower buds of a tropical tree, Syzygium aromaticum. The clove tree is native to the Maluku Islands in Indonesia. Cloves were a major trade item in the Middle Ages and were used as a principal spice in cooking, medicine, and perfumery. Today, clove is used primarily as a spice.