The Most Effective Workout You'll Ever Do : Dumbbell Shoulder Push Press

     A great workout doesn't have to be complicated. When you're looking to get a great workout without breaking a sweat, the best option is to do dumbbell shoulder push presses. With only one exercise, you'll be able to build muscle and burn fat on your shoulders. This 100% bodyweight movement can be done anywhere and is easy to learn and understand. 

What Is A Dumbbell Shoulder Push Press?

     The dumbbell shoulder push press is a great exercise for the deltoids, triceps, and the anterior head of the triceps. It takes full advantage of all three muscle groups during one movement. This exercise not only targets your delts, but it also helps with building up your triceps muscles as well as your anterior head of the triceps. The dumbbell shoulder push press focuses on building up muscle in these areas by doing this exercise correctly!

How To Do The Dumbbell Shoulder Push Press :

     You’ll need a set of dumbbells for this exercise. The most challenging part of this exercise is getting the weights in the correct position on your shoulders. It helps to have someone holding the dumbbell on your shoulder to make it easier. You’ll also need to squat in order to get into the correct position for the push press. This means you'll be doing a squat with your feet together and then lowering yourself down into push-up position. From there, you’ll be able to perform a push press as if you were going up against an opponent in basketball or football.

The Benefits Of This Workout :

    This is a great workout because it can be done anywhere and doesn't require any equipment. It's also simple to learn and has a little bit of everything that comes with a good workout. The dumbbell shoulder push press is great for the shoulders, chest, triceps, core, upper back, lower back, and arms. This exercise will give you a full-body workout in just one move!