The Flutter Kicks Workout For A Better Core

     Flutter kicks are an exercise that targets the lower body. It is a full-body workout that strengthens your core, knees and thighs. Most importantly, it works muscles in which you can't see, like those deep within your core and the leg muscles you use to stabilize the knee joint. This workout is easy to do at home or in a gym, but it's also fun to work out with friends or family.

What Is A Flutter Kick? 

     A flutter kick is a way of activating your glute muscles without moving your hips. In order to do a flutter kick, bend at the waist, swing your arms and legs in opposite directions, and then sweep them back and forth in one continuous motion. Flutter kicks are helpful for building core strength, as well as strengthening muscles such as your hamstrings, quadriceps and calves.

     The Flutter Kick workout starts with a warm-up, which includes squats. This warm-up prepares you for exercises like wall sits, knee tucks and side leg lifts. To work on balance, you'll do exercises such as single leg bridges while holding onto something sturdy like a rail or pole. You can also do lunges to get the heart rate up before doing plank variations. Your core will be strengthened by exercises like planks with arm lift variations or plank rows while hanging from the bar overhead. Flutter kicks are an effective full-body workout that strengthens the lower body.

How To Do A Flutter Kick :

  • To perform a flutter kick, you'll need to stand on the balls of your feet with both feet about hip-width apart. 
  • Make sure that your toes are pointing forward and your knees are slightly bent. 
  • As you exhale, jump your left foot up towards the ceiling and land it on the ground with the ball of your foot while bending your right knee. 
  • Then use your left leg to push off of the ground and jump through the air again. 
  • Repeat this motion for 10 times in each direction.
  • After you’ve done 10 flutter kicks in each direction, make sure that you switch legs and repeat.

The Benefits Of Flutter Kicks :

  • Flutter kicks are a great workout for people who want to get a full-body workout and enjoy the company of their friends. It's fun and you can make it more challenging by changing the amount of reps you do or how many sets you do.
  • There are many benefits to working out with friends. One is that it motivates you to work harder, which means that your body will be able to make better progress than if you worked out alone. It also builds a stronger relationship with your partner in fitness because you're both pushing each other along. You'll also feel connected because there's a time together for healthy competition, like if one person does 100 reps when the other does 50, but then they switch roles so that both have completed the workout. 
  • A lot of people find it difficult to stick to an exercise routine or to fit in time for exercise around a busy schedule, so getting together with friends is a great way to keep up your desired level of physical activity.

The Future Of The Flutter Kicks Workout :

     The future of this workout is exciting. Fitness experts are experimenting with new and different variations of flutter kicks all the time, but there is no set pattern for this workout. While it may not seem like a complicated exercise, flutter kicks are still a great way to strengthen your lower body, giving you more control over your movements.

     Flutter kicks are also a good way to help you stay in shape throughout the year because they target all muscle groups. Flutter kicks can be done anywhere and any time and won't take up too much of your schedule. In addition, these exercises are low-impact so they're safe to do when you're pregnant or have certain health conditions that require rest.