Rum : The Perfect Beverage For Your Holidays

     During the holiday season, there is one thing that you need: a drink! Whether you're hosting or attending a party, it's always important to have a drink in your hand. For those who are hosting Christmas this year, rum is the perfect beverage for the occasion. 

What Is Rum?

     Rum is a distilled beverage of sugarcane byproducts. It typically contains 40-60% alcohol and flavoring extracts, with the main flavorings being molasses and sugar. Rum is typically aged in wooden casks made from oak or other woods, but it can also be aged in ceramic or stainless steel tanks.

     Rum has been around for centuries. Originally it was made by adding water to sugarcane juice until fermentation occurred, which produced an alcoholic drink that could be stored without spoiling. Nowadays, rum is made through a process called double distillation, which separates the rum into its components at two different stages of production: first separating the rum's ethyl alcohol from its water content and then separately removing the remaining impurities in the rum's water content. This makes for a more pure spirit-like product that is less likely to spoil than regular distilled spirits. 

     The best type of rum is one that has been aged for at least three years. The aging process allows flavors to mellow out and gives rum a deeper tasting experience with distinct notes that are hard to find in younger rums.

The History Of Rum :

     Rum has been around for centuries and has been a staple in many different cultures. The history of rum is an interesting one.

     It all starts with sugarcane - the plant that produces raw sugar and molasses, which are the main ingredients in rum. Rum is made by fermenting sugarcane juice or, more accurately, molasses until it ferments into alcohol and carbon dioxide. 

     So, how does rum differ from other types of alcohol? Alcoholic beverages such as whisky and wine are fermented from grain. And beer is brewed from malted barley or cornmeal. Rum, on the other hand, is distilled directly from sugar cane juice (yes, it's made out of sugar).

How To Make A Good Cocktail :

     To be able to make a good cocktail, there are a few things you'll need. You'll need the right ingredients, the right tools, and of course knowledge on how to combine them in a drink!

     One of the most important parts is having all your ingredients ready before you start mixing your drink. This includes things like citrus fruits, juices, and liqueurs. The best way to do this is to buy them ahead of time so they aren't forgotten or run out while you're preparing your drink. Another important part is using fresh ice cubes as well as distilled water for hard alcohols. Most importantly though, you must know how to make a good cocktail! If you can mix drinks without accidentally adding too much alcohol or water into your mix (or making the wrong type of drink) then it shouldn't be too hard for you to learn how to make cocktails.

Tips For Hosting Your Own Christmas Party :

Hosting your own Christmas party doesn't have to be complicated. If you're hosting a Christmas party, consider these tips to make sure everything goes smoothly.

  • Focusing on the food. The most important thing is the food served at your party, so make sure it is worth the time and effort put into it. Have fun creating a theme or color scheme for your food that will match with the overall festive feel of your party.
  • People will be coming in costume, so plan accordingly! You can have some fun with this by having a designated area for people in costume to enter before they head down to mingle with the rest of your guests, or you can even have a designated area where people can change out of their costumes (if you want to keep them all together).
  • Set up some activities for guests to do when they are waiting for their food or need a break from mingling. For example, offer them a chance to play charades, or set up some other game that encourages interaction and keeps people engaged while they wait for their next course of food.
  • Keep things orderly by using clear labels on bottles when setting up drinks at your party. When you label each bottle properly, guests know what's in each drink and how much alcohol is per serving without having to ask anyone else what's inside their drink!
  • Make sure you have extra glasses