Plank Exercise : The Best Way To Get In Shape

     Plank exercise is a great way to incorporate strength training into your routine and to build muscle. It requires you to balance on your forearms, pushing through your hands and the ball of your feet while

maintaining stability in your shoulders and core. The plank exercise is an effective exercise for building muscle because it works the entire body. It also helps with cardiovascular fitness and weight loss. If you're looking for a way to get in shape, here are some planking tips that will help you achieve your goals.

How Plank Exercise Works :

     Plank exercise works the muscles of your entire body. It also helps with cardiovascular fitness and weight loss. Essentially, plank exercise is a full-body workout that can help you get in shape.

     Start off at one minute per set and slowly increase to 15 seconds per set as you progress. Planks are only effective for building muscle when you keep moving slowly over time. When you build up your endurance by doing this, then you can increase to 45 seconds and eventually even 60 seconds on each set.

     When performing plank exercise, it's important to focus on your core muscles the most while keeping your chest up and your shoulder blades pulled together or away from one another. This will help with core stability and prevent injuries such as shoulder impingement syndrome, rotator cuff tears, or tendinitis in the elbow. It's also important to not round out your lower back in order to avoid injury such as disc herniation or spinal stenosis.

Why You Should Try Plank Exercise :

  • You can start by using your hands on a door frame or the edge of a counter top.
  • You can work your way up to holding one leg over your head.
  • The plank exercise is an effective exercise for building muscle.
  • It helps with cardiovascular fitness and weight loss.
  • The plank exercise is an effective exercise for building muscle because it works the entire body.

If you're looking to get in shape, look no further than the plank exercise. It's easy to do, safe, and will help you achieve your goals.

Exercises :

     This exercise requires you to balance on your forearms, pushing through your hands and the ball of your feet while maintaining stability in your shoulders and core. The plank exercise is an effective exercise for building muscle because it works the entire body. It also helps with cardiovascular fitness and weight loss.

     Pushing down with your arms and toes, use a slow tempo to complete one repetition. Make sure you are not just going up and down into the movement, but that you are always engaging in the same motion, whether you are moving back down or coming back up. This will help strengthen your core muscles as well as stabilize your entire body.

For More Advanced Exercisers: 

  • Increase the time between repetitions by adding small jumps or steps at a time until you can no longer sustain this level of speed without losing balance and falling over.
  • Increase the number of repetitions by adding a few seconds between repetitions when doing each side.

Conclusion :

     Plank Exercise is a great way to get in shape and is one of the most effective exercises you can do. With Plank Exercise, you’ll be able to burn up to nearly 300 calories per 30 minute session. And the best part is that it doesn’t require any equipment or special knowledge of how to perform the exercise.

So what are you waiting for? Give Plank Exercise a try today!