Medicine Ball Crunch : A Little-Known Exercise to Burn Fat

     There are many ways to exercise and burn fat. One way is medicine ball crunch. This exercise uses your body weight to help you burn calories. Medicine ball crunch is a low impact, high-intensity exercise that will get you toned without the need for special equipment or expensive gym memberships. It can be done anywhere and requires no special skills from you.

What Is Medicine Ball Crunch?

     Medicine ball crunch is a movement that uses your body weight to help you burn calories. To do this exercise, start by standing with your feet hip-width apart. Bend down and place a medicine ball on the ground, between your feet. Now, extend your right arm straight out to the side using a twisting motion towards the front of your body. Next, bend your left arm in and bring it across your chest to meet the right arm as if you were hugging yourself. Now lower yourself down to the ground until you are lying on top of the ball with your arms extended overhead, in an L shape. Place both hands on either side of the ball and extend one leg straight out behind you while bending the other knee up towards your chest.

How To Do Medicine Ball Crunch :

     To perform this exercise, first lie on your back on the ground with your hands by your sides. Keeping your knees bent and feet flat on the ground, bring one knee up toward your chest. Next, draw in a deep breath as you hold onto the ball between your chest and that knee. As you exhale, gently press down on the ball until it is slightly above your chest--this will help to engage the core muscles. Now extend your leg back out to start position while continuing to hold onto the ball. Repeat 10-12 times before switching legs and repeating on the other side.

     Medicine Ball Crunch is a great workout because it engages many areas of your body simultaneously and works multiple muscle groups in one session. It is also low impact which makes it safe for those who are new to exercise or recovering from injuries or surgeries. It can be done anywhere and requires no special skills from you.

Benefits Of Medicine Ball Crunch :

     Medicine ball crunch has a lot of benefits, including burning calories and toning muscles. It's a low impact exercise that can be performed anywhere. This exercise will help you burn fat and is great for both beginners and advanced trainees.

     This exercise is great for people who are on the go or people who just don't have time to work out in the gym. It doesn't require any equipment or special skills from you, so it's easy to do at home or work!