Make Your Hair Look Fuller, Larger, and Healthier

     There are a lot of products that claim to make your hair fuller, but few of them actually work. With these 3 simple steps, you'll be able to get the fullness you've always wanted without spending a ton of money and going through hours of trial and error.

1. Use conditioner with protein

2. Make an overnight treatment with coconut oil and honey

3. Massage your scalp with a hot towel.

How to make your hair look fuller & larger :

     The first step is using conditioner with protein. Conditioner has large molecules that grab onto to hair and prevent water from leaving it. The more moisture your hair has, the fuller it will look. Next, you'll make a treatment overnight by mixing coconut oil and honey together. This will tighten up your hair and make it feel like silk. Finally, you'll use a hot towel to massage your scalp. This ensures that the product you just made stays in your hair and gives it volume instead of sitting on top of the strands.

Why conditioner with protein is important :

  • Your hair is made up of keratin—protein molecules that help your hair look fuller and stay healthy. Conditioner with protein is important because it helps the proteins in your hair to maintain a healthy, full appearance.
  • With conditioner with protein, you can maintain that sleek, healthy look for a long time. This makes your hair look more voluminous than normal. And adding this type of conditioner to your routine will also help prevent damage from heat styling tools like blow dryers and flat irons.
  • It's important to remember that not all conditioners are created equally—a lot of them contain silicones which can make your hair look flat or greasy. So be sure that you're getting protein-rich conditioners with natural ingredients when you're looking for something that's going to work for you!