Machine Fly Exercise - How to Get A Great Workout In Your Spare Time

     Staying active is important for your health. Even if you don’t want to do a lot of strenuous exercise, you can still get in a good workout by doing some light exercises that require minimal effort. If you want to burn fat and build muscle rather than just tone up the body, try a machine fly exercise. This is an exercise that uses your own body weight as resistance and works the muscles of the arms, abs, and back. It also strengthens your core for increased stability. 

What Is A Machine Fly Exercise?

     A machine fly is an exercise that uses your own body weight as resistance. It also works the muscles of the arms, abs, and back. The machine fly allows you to work out from the comfort of your home and strengthen your core for increased stability. This type of exercise is great because it doesn’t require any equipment or gym membership, but can still give you a high-quality workout.

     The machine fly is a basic exercise that allows you to use your own body weight as resistance against a vertical bar positioned in front of you. You place your hands on each side of the bar and then lift yourself up into a squatting position by pushing off with your feet as if you were going to do a jump rope. In order to go higher, you need to push harder with your feet so that they are past parallel with the ground when they hit the ground again while in this position. To come back down, you just reverse the motion and lower yourself slowly back down until your arms are straight again.

     It's important that every part of this exercise is done slowly and properly so that it minimizes risk for injury. If it's done correctly, this exercise can be quite challenging nonetheless!

How To Do The Machine Fly Exercise :

     You should start by lying on your back with your arms extended. Bend your left arm, and clasp it against the outside of the right leg. Bring the right hand to make contact with the left elbow. Bend the left knee so that it is over the right hip, and try to touch the floor with your left foot. Then straighten both legs, bringing your feet together again. Repeat this sequence 10 times before switching to the other side.

  • It helps build muscle strength 
  • It burns fat 
  • It strengthens muscles in arms, abs, back

Benefits Of The Machine Fly Exercise :

     It’s easy to do and can be done anywhere. It’s also a low-impact exercise that won't put too much stress on your joints. This makes it ideal for people who are not in the best of shape or recovering from an injury.

     The machine fly exercise is also a good way for beginners to start working out. You don't have to worry about overdoing it when you're just starting out and will be more likely to stick with your workouts in the long term as well.