Interesting Facts About Cheese

     Cheese is the most popular food in the world, and for good reason. This ancient food has been enjoyed for millennia by people across the globe. Yet these days we don't have to travel far to find a variety of great cheese from all over the world. The United States alone produces more than 300 different types of cheese. Here are surprisingly interesting facts about cheese that you may not know! 

What Is Cheese?

     Cheese is a form of fermented dairy product made from the milk of cows, goats, or sheep. The preparation of dairy products such as cheese dates back to antiquity.

The History Of Cheese :

     Cheese is one of the oldest foods in the world. Archaeologists have found that humans have been making cheese for thousands of years. In fact, it's believed that cheese was invented by accident when milk curdled and clotted. The ancient Egyptians are credited with first making a type of hard cheese called kashkabag, which was made by coagulating milk with a mixture of salt, vinegar, and herbs.

     Cheese has become so popular over time because it's easy to make and also very versatile. There are literally hundreds of varieties available in different countries and cultures around the world.

Types Of Cheese :

     Cheese is a dairy product that is made from the milk of cows, sheep, goats, or other non-human mammals. It has a smooth texture and a high moisture content but low fat content. There are 10 different types of cheese: hard, semi-hard, soft, cream cheese (or ricotta), cottage cheese, blue cheese, feta cheese, Gorgonzola cheese and Roquefort cheese.

How Does Cheese Age? 

     Cheese is aged for a few weeks, months or years before it's ready to eat. It's first purposefully exposed to beneficial bacteria so that it can start the ripening process. This results in a cheese having a sour, yogurt-like taste and aromatics that are more intense than those of milk. The aging process also brings out the natural sugars, which makes cheese more complex and flavorful as time goes on. 

     The aging process can be accelerated through the use of saturated fats like butter. As the fat interacts with the milk proteins and creates an emulsion, they break down and begin to interact with each other, too, giving cheese its distinctive flavor. 

     Aged cheeses tend to have a sharper or saltier taste than younger cheeses. This is because when milk proteins break down over time they release their constituent amino acids into solution where they react with each other or with other components in the milk like lipids (fats).

Cheese & Culture : Cheese has a long history in human culture. It's been found in mounds as old as 7000 B.C., and it is thought that one of the earliest cheeses was made by the Egyptians around 3200 B.C. Cheese has also played an important role in religious ceremonies, social events, and other cultural traditions.

Cheese & Health : Cheese is a great source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. In fact, it has more calcium than milk. The high protein content in cheese can also help to strengthen bones and increase muscle mass.

Why Do People Love Cheese So Much?

     Cheese is one of the most popular foods in the world. People love cheese because it is versatile, easily transportable and has a long shelf life. Cheese can be eaten alone or served on top of other foods like bread, crackers, pizza or veggies. It is also great for children with allergies since it is made from milk that contains no lactose. For these reasons, it's not hard to see why people love cheese so much!

  1. A study done by The World Health Organization (WHO) showed that cheese consumption in France increased by 13% between 2000 and 2009--but obesity rates only increased by 3%.
  2. The first cheesemakers were recorded in Egypt around 4000 BC when they found a way to preserve milk.
  3. In the United States, more than 8 billion pounds of cheese are produced each year.
  4. There are three types of cheeses: hard, soft and processed cheese. Hard cheeses are firm enough to slice or grate but pliable enough to form into shapes such as ropes, sheet-cake bricks or balls before serving. Soft cheeses have a moisture content less than 60 percent and are wrapped in cloth, paper or plastic film to prevent them from drying out before sale or eating them raw. Processed cheese has water added during production which allows for quick manufacturing at lower costs.
  5. In 1930 there were approximately 1 million cows grazing in America--that number has risen to over 100 million today and the average American