Hydration : A Simple But Powerful Routine For You and Your Family

     Hydration is a key component in maintaining good health. It impacts our bodies in many ways, such as how we process nutrients and maintain healthy body weight. Hydration helps us feel better and has even been proven to help with symptoms of depression. To stay hydrated, it’s important to drink water regularly, especially when it’s hot outside.

The Benefits Of Hydration :

     Drinking water also gives you energy, which is extremely important when you need it most. When your body needs more fuel, dehydration can make you feel tired and sluggish. To combat this, hydration will give your body the energy it needs to function properly. So when feeling lethargic, remember to drink more water!

How To Stay Hydrated :

     It is important to drink enough water in the summer. Drinking lots of fluids will help cool you down and improve your performance. When it's hot outside, it's important to stay hydrated. Follow this routine to maintain hydration:

  1. Drink two cups of water before you leave for the day
  2. Take a sip every hour on the hour
  3. Drink eight ounces of water after each meal or snack
  4. Drink 8 ounces of water before bed

Tips On How To Avoid Dehydration :

     To avoid dehydration, you should drink a lot of water throughout the day. It’s also important to adjust your fluid intake depending on how you’re feeling. For instance, if you are going out and will be in an environment with lots of people around and your body is warm, it’s best to drink more. If you are going for a run or participating in another activity that makes you sweat, then it may be necessary for you to drink more fluids.

     Additionally, drinking plenty of water before bed can help with your sleep quality and contribute to a better night’s sleep. This is because hydration helps regulate how much heat is in your body and how fast your heart rate is beating during the night.