How To Do A Hollow Body Rock Exercise

     You may have heard of a hollow body rock exercise before. It’s an exercise that is done with a chair and a small, heavy, inflatable ball. It's used primarily to tone your abs, but it can also strengthen your arms, legs and back. This exercise can be done in a few minutes and is an easy way to build up muscle strength in no time at all.

What Is The Hollow Body Rock Exercise?

     The hollow body rock exercise is an exercise that uses a chair and a small, inflatable ball. It is done by sitting on a chair with your feet firmly on the ground in front of you. With your knees slightly bent and your back straight, hold the ball with both hands at arm’s length in front of you. Lift the ball to one side of your body, then slowly lower it to the other side. Repeat this motion 10 times before switching sides. You will feel this muscle working in your abs as you do this exercise.

     This is an easy way to build up muscle strength and tone while getting some much-needed cardio exercise at the same time!

How To Do The Hollow Body Rock Exercise?

     The exercise is done with a chair and an inflatable ball. You don’t need any special equipment – everything you need is likely in your home. First, sit on the edge of the chair and place the ball on your left thigh between your leg and torso. Bend over to grab the back of the chair with both hands and pull it toward your torso so you're parallel to the ground. Next, push up off of that initial position with your right arm while rotating your trunk counter-clockwise so that you're facing directly away from the chair. Keep pushing up until you are in a fully standing position with your left arm extended behind you holding onto the chair's back for balance as well as to complete this full range movement. Keep rotating slowly until you are back at a seated position facing away from the chair. Now, bend back down to grab one hand at a time on either side of the ball and use those hands to pull yourself back up into position for another repetition. There are three total repetitions in this exercise, but some people like to do more if they have time or energy for it.

How It Improves Your Fitness :

     You will notice a significant decrease in your waistline if you do this exercise regularly. By toning your abdominal muscles, you will also tone other areas of your body such as the arms, legs and back. This exercise is not just for looks--it can help to build muscle strength and improve your overall fitness level.

     It’s recommended that you do this exercise three times a week. It's best to work up to doing it six times because it can be difficult at first. It’s easier to do with someone else since it should take two people to hold the ball while one person sits on the chair. This way you'll both get a good workout.

Different Positions & Tips :

     The hollow body rock exercise can be done in a few different positions, but the most popular ones are lying down on your back and standing up. There are no set rules for how to do this exercise since it’s primarily used to tone your abdominal muscles. One way to do the exercise is by using a chair that has been placed on its side. Place your feet on the chair so that they dangle over the edge. Now you should be lying face-down on the floor with your butt close to the edge of the seat. Next place an inflatable ball under your chest and slowly raise your arms and legs up until you're in a full push-up position. Hold this position for about 2 seconds then slowly lower yourself back down into a full push-up position, again holding for about 2 seconds before slowly lowering yourself back into a complete push-up position. Repeat this pattern as many times as possible without letting go of the ball, typically 3-5 repetitions per set will be enough when doing this exercise at home. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions twice per day