How To Do Hammer Curl

     If you want to maintain a healthy body and mind, it's important to be physically active. One of the best ways to become more physically active is through exercise. A form of exercise that offers many benefits is the hammer curl. It’s a great way for you to build muscle strength, improve balance, and help with cardiovascular health. The good news is that you don't need any special equipment to do this type of exercise.

What Is The Hammer Curl?

     The hammer curl is an exercise that will help you build muscle strength, improve balance, and help with your cardiovascular health. It's a great form of exercise to do on a regular basis as it helps with many different fitness goals.

     There are three major actions in the hammer curl: lifting the weight, lowering down in a controlled manner, and then returning to the starting position. 

To do the hammer curl correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Raise your arms and hold them at shoulder height with your palms facing each other.
  2. Keeping your back straight and shoulders back, bend over at your waist until you have flexed both elbows fully (your forearms should be parallel to the floor).
  3. Keep a slight bend in your knees so that you're only bending from waist up.
  4. Now push off from that flexed position by extending one arm towards the ceiling while keeping the other arm still extended and bent at about 45 degrees.
  5. Bend that extended arm again and bring it back to where it was before (left edge of the body), which will cause you to switch hands for this round of curls.
  6. After switching hands, extend that left arm until it's parallel again (or slightly higher if necessary), then lower yourself down quickly into a controlled descent until you touch down on both feet again at the starting position.

Benefits Of Hammer Curls :

     There are many benefits to hammer curls. One of the benefits is that it provides a great workout for your entire body and can help you to lose weight. You can also improve your posture, increase your energy levels, and strengthen your muscles. It's a fantastic way to keep in shape.

     Also, there are no risks involved with this type of exercise because it's so easy to do. You don't need any fancy equipment or gym membership to get started with this form of exercise. All you need is a set of dumbbells.

Aside from the benefits of doing a hammer curl, here are some other benefits:

  • Build muscle strength and tone your arms
  • Improve balance
  • Increase cardiovascular health
  • Decrease stress levels