How To Do A Cable Face Pull : A Cross Fit & Weightlifting Technique

What Is A Cable Face Pull? 

     Cable face pulls are a weightlifting technique that can be used to build muscle. They occur when you pull on a cable with both hands, keeping your arms completely straight. This exercise can also be done using dumbbells of any size, but the cable is preferred because it requires less effort and provides more resistance. The main benefits of this exercise are that it will strengthen your back, chest, and forearms and also improve your grip strength. It mainly targets the back, chest, and forearms.

How To Do The Cable Face Pull :

  • Stand with your feet in a staggered stance, about shoulder width apart.
  • Grasp one handle of the cable in each hand, keeping your arms completely straight.
  • Slowly lean forward and pull the handles towards your chest until you feel a stretch in your back muscles. 
  • Hold for 1 second and then slowly release.

Benefits Of The Cable Face Pull :

     If you want to build muscle, the cable face pull is a great exercise to do. It helps build your back and chest, which are important for weightlifting. It also strengthens your grip strength, which is an essential part of Crossfit and other fitness activities. With this exercise, you can get in a lot of reps without taxing yourself too much. When performing the cable face pull, it’s important to keep some tension on the cable so that it doesn’t move too quickly. This will prevent you from using momentum and help you focus on gripping with good form.

Injury Prevention Tips :

     Before you start doing a cable face pull, it is important to make sure that you are able to perform the exercise safely and without any pain. If you do feel pain in the hands or forearms, then stop doing this exercise immediately. This can be prevented by warming up and stretching your muscles before performing the exercise. If you have wrist issues, then this may not be a good weightlifting technique for you as your wrists will be stressed during this exercise.

     The main injury prevention tip is to make sure that your grip is strong enough before attempting this exercise with heavier weights. You should also use a lifting belt or wrap to help protect your back while lifting heavy weight.