How To Do A Cable Curl

     A cable curl is an effective workout that can be done at home. It targets the arms, chest, and core. The gym might not be available for a quick workout but with a cable curl you can still work those muscles.

What Is A Cable Curl?

     Your cable curl is a classic exercise with two handles on each end. One of the handles is attached to an overhead pulley, and the other you hold in your hand. You will stand with your arms at your sides, holding your handles so that they are crossed over your chest. You'll then slowly bend your elbows until they touch the upper back of your shoulders. As you do this, you will want to maintain a straight back and avoid leaning forward too much. This means you'll need to make sure that you grab both handles tightly and keep them close to the body. When preparing for this exercise, it’s important to warm-up properly by stretching and doing some light cardio exercises.

How To Do A Cable Curl :

     To do a cable curl, put the handles of the cable machine in the middle of your chest, with your elbows pointing downwards. Bend your knees and keep your back straight. Lower yourself to the starting position by letting the weight down slowly. Then push up with your arms to return to the starting position. Repeat for as many reps as you can handle, then switch sides.

     By incorporating a cable curl into a workout routine, you'll be able to target different muscle groups and see great results in a short amount of time.

Benefits & Disadvantages of A Cable Curl :

     The benefits of a cable curl are that it can be done at home and it's a quick workout. The disadvantage is that it's not as effective as doing the exercise in a gym but it still works those arms, chest, and core.

     A cable curl is an effective workout for those who can't get to the gym just yet but want to work out at home or who want to do an effective arm workout.