How To Build Your Push-Up Workout Routine

     A push up is a popular fitness move that can be done with your hands on the floor, or no hands at all. With its many variations, it's one of the most versatile exercises around. Push-ups are great for building muscle and strength in your chest muscles, triceps, biceps, shoulder muscles, and core. They also allow you to work on balance and coordination by adding in a few different variations. This article will teach you how to build your own push-up routine so you can hit all of those muscles harder and quicker than ever before.

The Anatomy Of A Push-Up :

     To start, the push-up is done with your hands on the floor. For this variation, you can do a regular push-up with your hands on the floor or a clap push-up. The difference is that in clap push-ups, you put your hands together and then push them out in front of you to create an "X" shape. Next, your hands are going to be either above your head or to the side of your head. The first hand position is called a handstand push up and the second one is called a diamond push up. Your arms should be in line with your body when performing these two variations. When doing these two variations, make sure you keep your elbows close to your ribcage so they don't flare out too much._

Push-Up Variations :

     Push-ups are one of the most popular exercises in the world. They can be done with your hands on the ground or with no hands at all. There are many different variations to this exercise, but they all require you to keep your back straight, lower your chest towards the ground, and then push yourself back up.

Here's a list of some of the most common push-up variations:

  • Push-Up With Your Hands on the Ground
  • Push-Up From Your Knees
  • Push-Up With One Hand on a Bench
  • Close-Grip Push-Up
  • Low Plank Push-up
  • Varying Arm Extension/Flexion Movements

Core & Balance Push-Ups :

These push-ups are a great way to work on balance and coordination. These are the easiest push-ups you'll do, so they're perfect for beginners.

  1. Start from the basic push-up position with your hands on the floor, or on a bench or chair if you prefer.
  2. Keep your elbows in tight to your sides and make sure that during this part of the exercise your body stays still. 
  3. Lower yourself down until your chest is touching the floor without letting go of your hands (or with as little movement as possible). Then push back up until you're back at the top position.
  4. To make these more difficult, try doing them while walking on your hands, or with both arms straight instead of outstretched like in step 3.

Other Push-Ups For Strength Training :

     If you're looking for a new push-up routine that can maximize your overall fitness, try adding in some of the following variations:

  • Handstand push-ups
  • Incline push-ups
  • Dips
  • Spiderman push-ups.

Workout Tips :

Here are a few tips to consider before you start your push-up routine:

  1. Lower the weight. If you're not used to doing push-ups, or if you're currently recovering from an injury, it's best to start with light weights and build up your strength and endurance once it feels comfortable.
  2. Add in different variations of the exercise. This will keep your workout fresh and allow you to work on different muscles that might be more difficult for you to target with regular push-ups. For instance, try doing a push-up with your hands together on the floor, then do them with your hands on bars above you instead of on the floor--this will focus more on the triceps muscles.
  3. Work on form. Push-ups can be pretty simple but also surprisingly complex! Watch a video or take a picture of yourself in action so that you know exactly how to do each movement properly for maximum effectiveness.
  4. Focus on breathing during exercise sets and rest periods between sets by focusing on anything other than pushing up; this will help reduce strain and ensure that all muscle groups are getting equal attention during your routine.

Conclusion :

     Push-ups are a great way to build upper body strength. With the proper push-up routine, you can get strong and get in shape simultaneously.