How I Stay Motivated To Exercise

     It’s no secret that staying motivated to exercise can be difficult. There are many times when it seems like our hard-earned fitness gains will be forgotten as soon as the weather changes. If you’re struggling with achieving your fitness goals, here are some tips to help you stay on track.

First, get a plan. Keep your fitness game plan simple and easy to work into your day-to-day schedule. You don’t need to complicate it with too many bells and whistles.

Second, give yourself credit for small victories. Start by simply rewarding yourself for completing 10 push-ups a day or for making it through the first 10 minutes of your workout without interruption.

Third, break down larger goals into smaller steps that are more manageable. Instead of trying to reach 100 squats in a single session, try aiming for just 2 per week until you reach your goal of 50, then add 5 more each week until you hit 100!

Keep Things Simple :

If you’re struggling with achieving your fitness goals, it’s easy to get caught up in a lot of complicated fitness ideas. It may seem like the more difficult your plan is, the more motivated you’ll be. But the reality is that keeping things simple will help you stay motivated.

Keep your plan simple and easy to work into your day-to-day schedule. You don’t need to complicate it with too many bells and whistles.

Give Yourself Credit :

Sticking to a fitness plan is difficult, but giving yourself credit for small victories can help keep you motivated. You can give yourself a pat on the back and a smile on your face after completing 10 push-ups or staying focused for just 10 minutes straight during your workout.

If you don’t enjoy your workouts, it’s going to be harder to stick with them. Make sure that you’re having fun while you are exercising so that you will want to stay with it.

Finally, make it accessible. If you can find ways to exercise in as little as five minutes each day, then those five minutes will put in more work than if you waited until later in the day or week to do it.

Stay Motivated

     Exercising may be tough at times, but the rewards are worth the effort. When you’re having a hard time staying motivated, try to think of the bigger picture. Why are you trying to exercise in the first place? What are some benefits that come from it? Perhaps you’re looking to improve your health or lose weight and gain confidence. These thoughts can help keep you on track when things get tough.

Break Down Goals Into Smaller Steps :

Use your calendar to plan out workouts. Make sure you have time in your schedule for exercise, and give yourself enough time to recover.

Be realistic about what you’re capable of. It’s easy to set big goals, but it’s important that you don’t go too far beyond what you can handle or what your body is ready for.

Identify why you want to stay motivated. Are there certain reasons that make staying fit a priority? Is it because it benefits other aspects of your life? Maybe it’s because exercise makes you feel good? Whatever the reason may be, write down these reasons and remind yourself when they become more difficult to remember.