Hanging Knee Raise : The Best Lower Body Exercise

     Your lower body is the powerhouse of your body. When you work out at home, many people tend to neglect their lower bodies, which leads to an imbalance in your overall health. However, there is one way to speed up your recovery and gain strength without going through a grueling session or paying for a pricey gym membership: the hanging knee raise. You can do this exercise anywhere, anytime, and find it to be a great alternative for those that have been wanting to get back into shape but are not sure where to start.

What Is a Hanging Knee Raise?

     The hanging knee raise is a great exercise for your lower body and will help speed up recovery. The best part about this exercise is that it can be done anywhere, anytime, and comes with zero equipment needed. This exercise starts with you lying on the ground or on your back and lifting your left knee up to your chest. Make sure you keep your leg straight as you hold it there and then lower it a little bit at a time until it's in a semi-horizontal position. For every time you do this, make sure to alternate which leg you lift towards the chest. That’s one rep!

Benefits Of Hanging Knee Raises :

     Hanging knee raises are beneficial in a variety of ways. The exercise targets your gluteal muscles, hamstrings, and the hip flexors, which are the muscles that often get neglected when it comes to lower body workouts. It also improves your cardiovascular health by increasing your heart rate and blood pressure. Hanging knee raises also fortify your core muscles, making your upper body more stable and strong as well.

     This is just one example of many exercises that can improve your strength and shape without leaving you feeling sore or exhausted. If you want to achieve a balanced workout, try these exercises out!

How To Do The Hanging Knee Raise :

     It's easy to perform the hanging knee raise. Begin by standing in an upright position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold your hands up at shoulder level and, with a light weight in each hand, raise them above your head. Now lower them back down to shoulder level while feeling the stretch throughout your hips, thighs, and calves. When you are lowering the weights, make sure that you keep your knees bent and do not lock out your knees; this will help prevent injury and ensure that you work the muscle groups properly

Conclusion :

     A good lower body workout is essential to a healthy lifestyle. Hanging knee raises are an effective way to strengthen your knees and thighs, as well as maintain a strong core.

     But you don’t have to do this exercise alone. We’ve got you covered with a variety of exercises that are easy to follow, will work your entire body, and don’t require any equipment.