Cable Cross Over Exercise : A Fun Explosive Workout

     Working out can be hard, but cable cross over exercises are a fun way to get your workout in. Cable cross over exercises offer an explosive yet cardiovascular-based workout that is easy to do and allows you to burn tons of calories with minimal effort. It’s perfect for those who are just starting out or want a quick cardio fix. You will also build strength and muscle endurance while getting a great work-out in!

What Is A Cable Cross Over Exercise?

     A cable cross over exercise is a type of cardiovascular exercise involving pulling your knees up to your chest and then returning them to the ground. It consists of two basic movements: an upright row and a squat. A cable cross over exercises will target your core, back, and shoulders as well as your calves, hamstrings, hips, and quads.

     A cable cross over exercise is an excellent way to build strength and muscle endurance. This ensures that you are getting a full-body workout while also burning calories at the same time. For example, if you wanted to work on your biceps, you could do a cable cross over exercise where you pull your knees up to your chest while lifting two dumbbells overhead without bending your elbows.

How To Do A Cable Cross Over Exercise :

  • To do a cable cross over exercise, you will want to stand in front of a cable machine. 
  • Stand with your back to the pulley and your feet shoulder-width apart. 
  • Bend your knees slightly. 
  • Take a deep breath in, and then bend your elbows and move them back behind your head, turning your chest towards the ground. 
  • Exhale as you go back to standing, keeping your arms straight as they reach the top position.
  • Do 10-15 repetitions of this exercise before moving on to the next one.

Benefits & Variations Of A Cable Cross Over Exercise :

     Cable cross over exercises are a fun way to get your workout in. These exercises offer an explosive yet cardiovascular-based workout that is easy to do and allows you to burn tons of calories with minimal effort.

     They’re perfect for those who are just starting out or want a quick cardio fix. You will also build strength and muscle endurance while getting a great work-out in!

Tips and Safety Precautions :

     Cable cross over exercises are a good choice for those who want a quick and easy workout. With these exercises, you can build strength, muscle endurance, and cardiovascular fitness. They’re also very safe to perform. Here are some tips for performing cable cross over exercises safely: 

  • Start with a light weight to begin with, as you may be working on your balance and coordination.
  • Don’t hold onto the handles of the cables too tightly or use weights that are too heavy or close to your body during this exercise. You should feel like you're holding onto the handles of the cables with one hand while also pressing down on them with your foot.
  • If you don't have any equipment available, sit on an incline bench or step with your feet apart in front of you at about knee height before performing this exercise.
  • Don't perform this exercise if you have back pain or other injuries because it could cause more stress on your injury. It is best to consult a doctor before starting any new exercise routine if so.