Benefits Of Overhead Press: How To Get Started

      The overhead press is one of the most effective and important lifts for any weightlifting routine. It's a compound exercise that works your shoulder girdle, chest, arms, and back. Whether you're looking to build mass or tone your muscles, this lift can work wonders for both men and women.

What Is An Overhead Press?

     An overhead press is a compound exercise that works the shoulder girdle, chest, back, and arms. It's usually done with either a barbell or dumbbells. This lift is often looked at as one of the most effective lifts because it works so many muscle groups in your body. 

     It's also an important lift for weightlifters because it allows them to increase their intensity on their training days. For example, you can use this lift to work up to a heavy deadlift or squat day.

How To Perform The Overhead Press :

     The overhead press is an athletic movement. To perform this lift, you'll need to use your whole body. Use your arms and chest to push the bar up and over the head, then use your shoulder blades to pull the bar back down into your hands. You'll also need to use a lot of stability in your core and glutes. This lift can be done with a dumbbell or with a barbell.

     To start off, put one foot in front of another, making sure that each leg is on either side of the bench/box you're performing from. Then bring one arm up so it's almost directly above your head and hold the weight at arm’s length until you are ready to press it overhead. Now bring the other leg forward so that it's equal distance from both legs and take a step back with that leg so that you are in a good starting position for your overhead press. Once in position, keep both hands gripping the bar at arm’s length as you dip down by bending your elbows and lowering yourself under control until they are within reach of your waistline as shown below:

Benefits Of The Overhead Press :

     Lifting weights is good for your health, but it's also important to look at the benefits of a specific exercise. Overhead presses are one of the most effective compound exercises that strengthen and build muscle. It works all the major muscles in your upper body - shoulder, chest, arms, back, and abs - while also building overall strength. It's a lift that you can do anywhere since it doesn't require any equipment or special surface to perform. If you're looking for an exercise that'll get you strong quick, this is it.

     If you're looking to tone up as well as build muscle mass with ease, this is the lift for you. You'll be able to tone your muscles by increasing your metabolism and burning more calories due to this weightlifting routine. Lifting weights causes a hormonal response in the body which makes it easier for your body to burn fat and convert it into muscle tissue or energy cells called mitochondria.