A Simple Cardio Routine That Will Help You Lose Weight

     Cardio is often the most dreaded part of any workout or weight-loss plan. It’s boring, and it’s hard. But not all cardio has to be tough and tiring! If you want to start losing weight but must deal with the dreaded cardio sessions, try these exercises to start your day off right. 

     One of the best things about this routine is that it can be done anywhere: on the treadmill, elliptical machine, or even outside if you have a nice weather day ahead of you. These exercises are easy enough for beginners and will give you a full-body workout in no time at all!

Benefits Of Cardio :

The benefits of cardio training are endless. Here are a few reasons why you should start including cardio in your fitness regimen:

  • A cardio workout can improve sleep quality
  • Losing weight helps to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, which may decrease the risk of heart disease
  • High-intensity, short-duration cardio workouts burn more calories and fat than low-intensity, long-duration workouts 
  • Including cardio will ensure that you are getting all the essential nutrients your body needs for optimal health

The Routine :

     Don't overlook the importance of cardio in your weight-loss plan. Cardio is important to lose weight because it helps burn calories and can also help you get stronger and more fit. However, most people don't enjoy doing cardio. If this sounds like you, here's a routine that will give you a full-body workout!

    The routine consists of three exercises: jumping jacks for 10 reps; lunges for 10 reps; and squats for 10 reps. Allow yourself about 30 seconds rest between each exercise. Begin by jumping jacks, then do one set of lunges, followed by squats. Finally, finish with jumping jacks again.

Set a Goal and Track Progress :

     When you start working out, you should set goals to help keep you motivated. When it comes to cardio workouts, the goal is to burn as many calories in a short amount of time as possible. If you want to lose weight and get ripped, this is what you should shoot for.

     Setting targets will give you a sense of accomplishment and let you know how well your workout is going. It will also show other people what your goals are so they can support your efforts.

     When setting your goals, try thinking about how much weight or inches off of your waistline you want to lose and use that information when setting up the specific target for each session. Let's say that the goal for today's workout is 500 calories burned in 30 minutes with a 10-minute break in between each set of exercises.

Tips For Beginners :

  • To begin, find a treadmill or elliptical machine nearby that is not too crowded.
  • 2. Set the machine at an incline of 6 to 12 degrees.
  • 3. Put on your favorite music, and push yourself as hard as you can for 30 seconds. You should be sweating profusely!
  • 4. Rest for 10 seconds, then push again for another 30 seconds.
  • 5. Rest for 20 seconds, and repeat steps 3-4 two more times before moving on to the next exercise in the routine. 
  • 6. After your workout, cool down with 5 minutes of easy jogging or walking to stretch out those muscles!
  • For those looking for a full-length cardio routine, try this 20 minute workout:
  • 1 minute on each leg — cycling action
  • 10 second rest : jump rope kettlebell swings (or other arm movement) 
  • 10 second rest : jump rope kickbacks (or other leg movement)