A Grounded Russian Twist : A Guide on How To Do The Russian Twist

     Looking for a fun and easy way to strengthen your abs? Then the Russian twist is for you. This simple exercise will help to build muscle in your core, improve posture, and give you a sexy waistline.

What Is A Russian Twist?

     The Russian Twist is a simple exercise that you can do in a number of ways. It involves twisting your torso to the left and right. You can do it standing or sitting, either on the floor or on a bench. The first time you try this exercise, I recommend doing it for only 30 seconds, then gradually increase the amount of time over a few weeks.

The Benefits Of Doing The Russian Twist :

  • The Russian twist can help to improve your posture, increase the efficiency of your abs, and give you a slimmer waist.
  • Another benefit of doing the Russian Twist is that it helps to build muscle in your core.
  • Some people may also find it beneficial to strengthen their back muscles, which are often neglected in everyday life. Doing the Russian Twist will help to keep your back strong and healthy.
  • The Russian twist can be done at any time during the day--even while you're on the phone or watching TV. You can even do this exercise while you’re driving. This makes it easy for you to do this exercise wherever you are, so there's no excuse not to do it!

How To Do the Russian Twist :

  • Begin in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Tighten the muscles of your stomach by contracting your abdominal muscles. Pull them in towards the spine and hold for three seconds, then release.
  • Keeping both arms extended straight in front of you, twist to the right as far as you can without losing balance or causing pain. Keep twisting until your left hand is directly above your head and your right hand is just outside the left foot. This is one rep.
  • Move back to the starting position and repeat on the other side (left arm above head, right arm outside left foot).