Cucumbers are high in water and have a mild, refreshing flavour. They can help with dehydration and are tasty in hot weather. Cucumber is eaten as a savoury food, but it is actually a fruit. It's also found in some cosmetics.

     Cucumber belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. Squash and various types of melon, including bitter melon, are also members of the family. Cucumbers contain a variety of nutrients while being low in calories, fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Cucumbers have been grown for food and medicine in India since ancient times, and they have long been a part of the Mediterranean diet. 

Description :

     Cucumber is a tender annual with a trailing, rough, succulent stem. The hairy leaves have three to five pointed lobes, and the stem has branched tendrils that can be trained to support the plant. The unisexual five-petaled yellow flowers produce a type of berry known as a pepo.

     The heat requirement is one of the highest among common vegetables, and the fruits can become bitter if watered unevenly. Downy mildew, anthracnose, and Fusarium wilt are among the bacterial and fungal diseases that can affect the plants. 

Nutrition : 

300gm Of Raw Cucumber Contain :

  • Water : 96%
  • Calories : 45
  • Carbs : 11gm
  • Protein : 2gm
  • Fiber : 2gm

Vitamin & Minerals : 

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Manganese

Benefits :

Helps To Prevent Dehydration :

     Water is regarded as a life-giving fluid that is required by your body. Dehydration occurs when the body lacks the necessary amount of water, making you vulnerable to a variety of diseases. Cucumber, on the other hand, replenishes the lost water within your body, keeping you perfectly hydrated. Remember to eat a few cucumber slices after a strenuous workout or exhausting physical activity, especially during the summer.

Fiber-Rich :

     Cucumber is high in fibre, which aids in the proper functioning of your body. Cucumbers' fibre and water content can help prevent constipation and increase regularity. This is why dieticians advise diabetics to consume it on a regular basis, as it can cause the pancreas to secrete the appropriate amount of insulin, thereby aiding in the regulation of sugar production. 

Improves Bone Health :

     Cucumbers are also high in calcium, which helps to prevent bone density loss and fractures. Don't forget to include cucumber in your diet if you want to maintain strong bones and cartilages as you get older. Cucumber also aids in calcium absorption, which aids in the repair of bone muscles.

Prevent Growth Of Cancer Cells :

     Cucumber is well-known for its cancer-fighting properties. It can slow the spread of cancerous cells throughout the body and lower your risk of developing cancer cells. Oncologists or cancer specialists advise their patients to eat cucumbers in order to repair damaged cells in their bodies, which also improves blood circulation. 

Lowers Chronic Inflammation :

     Cucumber's water content and Vitamin C content can stop the spread of damaged cells in your body, saving you from a variety of chronic inflammatory conditions, including heart disease. Cucumber's antioxidants fight inflammation by boosting your body's immune system.

Stunning Hair :

     Cucumber's sulphur and silicon content can help to strengthen and rejuvenate your hair. You will notice increased hair growth, as well as hair that is soft and silky to the touch. The hair will be supple and will not break easily. 

Prevent Constipation :

     Constipation can be caused by a lack of water and dietary fibre in your body, which can be extremely uncomfortable. Remember to eat cucumber salad every day to replenish the water and fibre in your body, allowing for smooth and painless stool passage.

Natural Kidney Stone Treatment :

     Cucumber's high water content can flush out all toxins from your body. This can help to prevent kidney stones while existing stones and debris in the bladder are removed from the body through urination. Cucumber also aids in the regulation of your body's uric acid levels. 

Migraine Treatment :

     Migraine can be excruciating, and the only way to get rid of it is to sleep it off. Not to worry! Cucumber can have a miraculous effect on your diet. Cucumber contains magnesium, which helps you control your blood pressure while also boosting your immune system.

Healthy Skin :

     Forget about costly skin treatments involving the application of pricey lotions and oils. Cucumbers, on the other hand, promote healthy, glowing skin that is free of blemishes, with wrinkles and lines becoming a thing of the past. Cucumber can also be used topically to lighten and revitalise the skin.

Pain Relieving :

     Cucumber contains flavonoids, tannins, and other antioxidants, which help to alleviate pain by limiting the amount of free radicals released in the body. You do not have to be in excruciating pain as a result of chronic illnesses. If you can't get rid of the pain completely, eat cucumbers every day. 

Combat Bad Breath :

     Brush your teeth twice a day and practise good oral hygiene. Unfortunately, you may still have bad breath that causes people to avoid you. No! You don't have to spend a lot of money to get rid of bad breath. Consume as much cucumber as you want to remove the bacteria that has accumulated on your gums and teeth.