Description :

     Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum), also known as sweet pepper or capsicum, is a nightshade (Solanaceae) pepper cultivar grown for its thick, mild fruits.

     Bell peppers are high in vitamin A and C and are used in salads and cooked dishes. The large furrowed fruits, which can be green, red, yellow, or orange, are technically berries.

     Bell pepper plants are grown as annuals, and the green varieties are harvested before the red or yellow pigment appears, which is usually 60–80 days after transplanting. 

Nutrition :

1Cup Chopped Bell Paper Contain :

  • Calories : 30
  • Protein : 1gm
  • Fat : Less than 1gm
  • Carbs : 7gm
  • Fiber : 2.5gm
  • Sugar : 3.5gm

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Folate
  • Beta-carotene
  • Potassium
  • Manganese

Benefits :

Lower Blood Pressure :

     Experts believe that high-vitamin C diets can help control blood pressure. Vitamin C is a diuretic, which means it aids in the removal of excess body fluid. Excess body fluid removal aids in the reduction of blood vessel pressure.

Reduced Risk Of Heart Attack :

     Bell peppers, in addition to helping control blood pressure, contain an anticoagulant that may help prevent the blood clots that cause heart attacks.

Digestive Wellness :

     Raw bell peppers contain 2.5 grams of dietary fibre per one-cup serving, despite having only 30 calories. By adding bulk to your stools, dietary fibre promotes digestive health. As a result, they are easier to pass. A high-fiber diet may also help to reduce the likelihood of haemorrhoids. 

Diabetes Risk Is Reduced :

     High-fiber foods, such as bell peppers, slow the rate at which sugar enters your bloodstream. The vitamin C found in bell peppers may also aid in the reduction of high blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 diabetes. 

Fight Against Morning Sickness :

     Folate also aids pregnant women in combating morning sickness. Morning sickness has been a source of discomfort for expectant mothers. Because morning sickness frequently renders people unproductive throughout the day. So, if you are pregnant and looking for something to help you, you can try eating Yellow Bell Pepper.

Premenstrual Syndrome Relief :

     Premenstrual syndrome is a woman's worst enemy. PMS is a condition that occurs as the menstrual cycle approaches. PMS affects women emotionally and physically, which can have a negative impact on our productivity. Yellow bell pepper is best for this because of its high level of folate and B6 Vitamins, which can help produce hormones and thus help you with premenstrual syndrome. 

Relieve depression :

     According to the findings of the study, depression is becoming alarmingly common among various age groups. That phenomenon is responsible for the shift in human behavior. The Yellow Bell Pepper is the best way to reduce it. This is due to the presence of Vitamin B6 and folate, both of which can aid in the treatment of depression. So, while it can't completely cure depression, yellow bell pepper can help people with depression gradually improve their mood. As a result, we will be able to live a more balanced life.

Enhancing Eye Health :

     Yellow bell pepper is also high in carotenoid content, particularly lichenoid and beta-carotene. Carotenoids are necessary for good eye health. Carrots, like Yellow Bell Pepper, contain a high amount of carotenoids, which is why they are recommended for those with eye problems. 

Immune system booster :

     One of the main advantages of bell pepper is that it boosts immunity. One serving of yellow bell pepper contains 340 mg of Vitamin C, which is more than our daily requirement. Vitamin C is extremely beneficial to the immune system. Consuming yellow bell pepper in large quantities may help to boost our immune system. A healthy immune system is essential for living a balanced life.

Improves Skin's Health :

     Having healthy skin is part of living a balanced life. Yellow bell peppers have a high collagen content. Collagen is well-known to be important for the health of our skin. As a result, for those of you who are currently suffering from skin issues, Yellow Bell Pepper may be the solution you've been looking for. 

Strengthens The Cartilage :

     Another advantage of collagen is that it strengthens cartilage. Because cartilage is a very fragile bone, we must take precautions to keep it strong.

Reduces Cholesterol :

     Bell peppers have less capsaicin than their spicier cousins, but they do have some. That's good news for people who have high cholesterol because capsaicin is a nutrient that lowers bad cholesterol levels in the body.

Natural Sleep Aid :

     Having trouble falling asleep at night? Consume some bell peppers! Bell peppers contain vitamin B6, which aids in the production of melatonin, which your body requires to regulate its internal clock. 

Weight Loss :

     Bell peppers are low in fat and calories (about 1 gram of fat and 29 calories per cup), making them an excellent snack or a great addition to a meal. This small amount of fat is sufficient to provide reliable storage for the fat-soluble nutrients found in bell peppers.