The Indian round gourd or simply round gourd, scientifically called Praecitrullus fistulosus, is known by the native name "Tinda" in many local Indian languages, including Hindi, Telugu, Marathi, and Tamil. It is also commonly referred to as apple squash, round melon, Indian squash, and Indian squash. 

     This green vegetable has been valued for its important medicinal value since ancient times and is widely used in Ayurvedic texts. Today, it continues to be touted for its immense health benefits and is widely used in popular local cuisines across India, as well as in the relief of  stomach, liver and skin conditions, to name a few.

Description :

     Indian round gourd normally fills in the wild in South-East Asian nations like India, Sri Lanka, China, Nepal and Indonesia, just as in the hotter southern locales in Australia.

     It is a creeper which delivers large yellow blossoms. The leaves are long around 10 to 20 centimeters and have a bristly long stem. The organic products are normally oval in shape and grow up to 30 centimeters in width. Plant proliferation is finished by seeds.

     This vegetable when youthful has white thick tissue which is sweet. When it arrives at development, it loses the hairs and a waxy covering is created which gives a long timeframe of realistic usability. 

     Indian round gourd is regularly viewed as a vegetable, which is utilized in cooking an assortment of staple Indian dishes, for example, kootu, curry, sabzi and dal. The helpful and healing attributes presented by the vegetable, just as round gourd seeds and leaves are broad. Besides, the roots and squeeze of round gourd additionally have applications in skin and hair care.

Nutrition :

100Gm Serving Of Tinda Provides :

  • Calories : 86.2
  • Fat : 3.9gm
  • Carbs : 12.5gm
  • Fiber : 0.6gm
  • Protein : 2gm

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Manganese

Benefits :

Encourages Weight Loss :

     Apple gourd, which is low in calories and high in essential nutrients, can be taken on a regular basis by people who are strictly following a diet regime to lose weight, particularly those with diabetes. Apple gourd also contains dietary fibres that are easily processed in the stomach, keeping one feeling fuller for longer, reducing cravings, and assisting in fat burning at a faster rate.

Improves Heart Function :

     Due to its low cholesterol content, round gourd can be safely consumed on a regular basis to promote heart health. The boiled vegetable can be easily added to many traditional homemade Indian dishes, as it improves blood circulation to and from the heart, ensuring optimal cardiac muscle function.

Kidney Detoxification :

     The excretory system in the body is stimulated by Indian round gourd, which stimulates the normal elimination of body wastes. It increases fluid secretion in the kidneys. 

Improves Digestive System :

     Tinda, also known as round gourd, contains a high fibre content, which helps to prevent constipation, bloating, and stomach cramping after a heavy meal. Furthermore, its laxative nature regulates bowel movements, easing any discomfort in the gut.

Improves Respiratory Processes :

     Apple gourd has an inherent expectorant quality, which means it can easily loosen and remove excess phlegm or mucus secretions from the respiratory tract. This greatly improves lung function and prevents allergies and breathing difficulties.

Tinda For Ketogenic Diet :

     Non-starchy vegetables are a staple of all keto diets. In this regard, because it is naturally low in carbohydrates and sugars, Indian round gourd can be an ideal component of a keto diet, which focuses on lowering calorie intake by cutting back on carbs. A quick and easy recipe for boiling cut round gourd vegetables and seasoning with salt. 

Reduces Anxiety & Depression :

     Tinda, also known as Indian round gourd, contains large amounts of vitamin B6, pyridoxine, which aids in the smooth transmission of impulses and signals through the nerves as well as the synthesis of mood-regulating neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. This green vegetable is also high in calcium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc, which are essential minerals for improving brain power, memory, and concentration, as well as effectively combating symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Improves Eye Health :

     Tinda, which contains vitamin A, works wonders in improving visual functions and is an excellent addition to the regular diet for promoting eye health. It is also high in carotenoid antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important components of the retina and protect the delicate eye organelles. Furthermore, tinda aids in the prevention of vision impairments, such as Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), glaucoma, and cataracts in later life. 

Reduces Cancer Risk :

     Indian round gourds are high in polyphenol and cucurbitacin antioxidants, both of which have anti-inflammatory properties. These beneficial bioactive components protect the body's cells from oxidation caused by harmful free radicals and toxins. In this way, tinda is a superfood that protects the system's critical internal organs such as the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, and intestines from damage, thereby preventing the occurrence of cancer.

Natural Skin Moisturizer :

     Tinda contains a natural source of the smoothing or emollient Vitamin E, which also has antioxidant properties. When applied to sunburns and rashes, the vegetable gel extract soothes the irritated and dried up areas of the skin, leaving it soft and completely moisturised. 

Skin Infections Are Combated :

     Astringent properties are found in the residue derived from apple gourd leaves. This aids in the neutralisation of highly inflamed skin spots. It also effectively reduces boils, pus, and carbuncles on the skin caused by allergies, fungal infections, environmental pollutants, and sun rays.

Encourages Hair Growth :

     Tinda, also known as apple gourd, contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that nourish and energise hair strands. Furthermore, when applied as a gel, it penetrates deep into the scalp layers and protects follicles, preserving hair thickness and stability. If you want to grow long and strong hair, round gourd is an excellent choice. 

Tackles Excessive Dandruff :

     Applegourd has potent chemicals which will cut back the intensity of flakiness and dandruff on the scalp of hair. It also can shelter the roots of the hair strands, called follicles, from the dirt and flora particles that trigger dandruff. Apple gourd or tinda gel obtained from the flesh, once applied habitually to fidgety and peeling scalp and dry hair, will considerably revamp the looks of lifeless hair, giving it a fantastic lustre.

Side Effects :

  • Always buy fresh tinda produce from your local market or store. Because certain infectious agents and pesticide residues may be present in old stock, this is recommended.
  • Many trace minerals can be found in round gourd. As a result, excessive consumption is hazardous because it can lead to toxic levels of these metallic elements accumulating in the system.
  • Patients with severe fevers and high fluctuations in body temperature should avoid eating round gourd because it has a cooling effect on the body and may slow down healing processes.