Radishes are root crops that can taste juicy, spicy, or sweet. They are also available in a variety of colors, including white, red, purple, or black. The shape can be long and cylindrical or round. Radishes can be eaten raw, cooked or pickled. Radish seed oil has a number of health benefits.


Description : 

     Radishes are usually grown as annuals and harvested before they bloom. The leaf-like leaves form a rooted rosette that protrudes from the tip of the root. The flower stalks usually appear in the first season and produce white or purple vein flowers with four petals; The seeds are carried in a pod called silicone. Depending on the variety, the shape of the edible root varies from round to long and cylindrical or pointed, and the outer bark can be white, yellow, pink, red, purple, or black. Radishes range in size from a few grams in the most popular early American and European varieties to 1 kg (2.2 pounds) in Japanese daikon radishes.


Nutrition :

100gm Of Radish Provide :

  • Water : 95.27gm
  • Energy : 16
  • Protein : 0.68gm
  • fat : 0.1gm
  • Ash : 0.55gm
  • Carbs : 3.4gm
  • Fiber : 1.6gm

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin C
  • Thiamin
  • Riboflavin
  • Niacin
  • Pantothenic Acid
  • Vitamin B6
  • Folate
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin K
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Manganese


Benefits :

Digestion Can Help :
      Radish is rich in fiber and can reduce symptoms and a high number (and periodic) could be added to the movement of the intestine. In the 2008 study, the great root leaves help to help digestive diseases and eliminate the symptoms of diarrhea. In addition to this, Radish can also be known to improve bile productivity. Bile is one of the most important parts of digestion and is useful for liver and bitterness.

May Prevent Hemorrhoids :
     Radishes can be considered raw and are made up of indigestible carbohydrates (especially lignin and insoluble fiber). It can aid digestion, keep you hydrated, and relieve constipation, a major cause of hemorrhoids. As a great antidote, it can quickly relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Radish juice also relieves symptoms of hemorrhoids by calming the digestive and excretory systems.

Help Urine Disease :
     Diuretic agents can be natural, which means that they can increase urine production. Radish also helps reduce water swelling and highlight the burning sensation of urination. Renal infections and polycarbonates can also be diseases, which help strengthen different urinary conditions.

May Help You Lose Weight :
     Radishes can be very filling. This means you can satisfy your hunger without adding calories. They may be low in digestible carbohydrates, high in bran (insoluble fiber), and high in water. Therefore, it can be a great nutritional option for those who are determined to lose weight. It is also rich in fiber and has a low glycemic index (GI), which helps to control bowel movements, lose weight and improve metabolic efficiency.

Good For Cardiovascular Health :

     Radish is good source of anthocyanins (flavinoid), which not only color but also a lot of health benefits and color and radish can be a source of continent cheese. Anthocyanins is subject to many medical studies and is positive to reduce cardiovascular disease.

Help You To Treat Leucoderma (Vitiligo) :

     Detoxification and antibody features can use their species in the treatment of leucaderma. Radish helps Lukoderma's treatment.

Can Relieve Respiratory Diseases :
     Radish is anti-congestive, which means it can reduce airway obstruction, including irritation of the nose, throat, throat, and lungs that can result from colds, infections, allergies, and other causes. They can also be great disinfectants and are rich in vitamins, which further protects the airways. Radishes have a strong, natural taste and are also quite hot, which is excellent for preventing disease. You can also remove excess phlegm from your throat. In addition, radishes are known to relieve sore throats and relieve constipation by clearing the sinuses.

Low Blood Pressure :
     Radishes can be an excellent source of potassium, which can add to the long list of health benefits. Investigation by dr. Hadi from the Mayo Clinic suggests that potassium can help lower blood pressure. It can also be one of the main components of the very popular and effective DASH diet. When potassium interacts with the arterial supply to the blood vessels, it can help relax the blood vessels, thereby stimulating blood flow. It can also lower blood pressure by widening blood flow instead of forcing it through narrow, constricted channels.

Diabetes Management :

     Radish have long been known to have a low glycemic index, which means that consuming radish has no significant effect on blood sugar levels. Drinking radish root juice could have a positive effect on blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. They can also help regulate blood sugar absorption so people with diabetes are less worried about sudden jumps or falls while eating or without food for a while. Given the nature of this study, further research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of these results.

Help Skin Care :

     Vitamin C, zinc, and some members of the B vitamin family found in radishes can benefit the skin. The high water content of radishes can also help maintain healthy moisture levels and moisture levels in the skin. Crushed raw radish is also a good cleanser and works as an effective face mask. Due to its disinfectant properties, radishes can also help clear up skin conditions such as dry skin, rashes, and cracks. Due to the presence of niacin, it can also help prevent the skin condition pellagra.

Reduce Fever :
     Some believe that radishes help lower body temperature and reduce inflammation from fever. A good method of consumption is to drink radish juice mixed with black salt, and because radishes can work as a good disinfectant, they also fight infections that can cause fever.

Protects Kidneys :
     Radish is believed to function as a diuretic, cleanser, and disinfectant that can help relieve symptoms of kidney disease. They are low in potassium and low in phosphorus and can be a good choice for hemodialysis patients.

Relief From Insect Bites :

     Radishes can have antipruritic properties and can be used as an effective treatment for insect stings and bee stings. Radish juice can also reduce pain and swelling, as well as soothe the affected area.

Fighting Jaundice:

     Radishes and radish leaves are used as home remedies for jaundice, especially in Indian, Greco-Arabic, and Unanic medicine. They are believed to be beneficial for the maintenance of the stomach and digestion.