Ginger can taste great as a condiment to your favorite dishes or as a hot tea, but ginger also has health benefits. Ginger is rich in phytochemicals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds that aid digestion, support brain function, reduce inflammation, and prevent infection. This powerful tropical plant belongs to the same botanical family as cardamom and turmeric and has been used in Asian, Indian, and Arabic medicine for thousands of years. Fresh ginger is best because it has a higher gingerol content. Ingesting ginger has few side effects and many benefits for your body. Always talk to your doctor before adding a new nutritional supplement to your diet.


Description :
     This spice has a slightly spicy taste and is usually dried and ground to flavor breads, sauces, curry dishes, pastries, pickles, and ginger ale. The fresh rhizome, green ginger, is used in cooking. The peeled rhizome can be preserved by boiling it in syrup. In Japan and elsewhere, sliced ??ginger is eaten between meals or meals to cleanse the palate. Ginger is used in medicine to treat flatulence and colic.
     The ginger leaf stalk reaches a height of about one meter. The leaves are 15 to 30 cm long, oval, alternate in two vertical rows and formed by a sheath surrounding the stem. The flowers are in dense, cone-like cones about 1 inch thick and 2 to 3 inches long, consisting of overlapping green bracts that can turn yellow. Each pack contains small yellow-green and purple flowers.


Nutrition :

1 Tablespoon Ginger Contain :

  • Calories : 4.8
  • Carbs : 1.07gm
  • Fiber : 0.12gm
  • Protein : 0.11gm
  • Fat : 0.5gm
  • Sugar : 0.1gm

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Folate
  • Niacin
  • Riboflavin
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc 


Benefit :

Supports Brain Health :
     Brain disorders can be linked to chronic inflammation in the brain, which makes ginger's anti-inflammatory properties particularly beneficial for brain function. Ingesting ginger may provide health benefits for anxiety, depression, dementia, Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Ginger has been shown to increase serotonin and dopamine levels and reduce inflammation that can lead to depression. Taking ginger supplements can also improve working memory, alertness, and reaction time, which may help slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. When some help is available for your brain, add ginger to your diet or try a daily supplement.

Controls Nausea & Indigestion :
     Stomach problems are not a problem for strong ginger. It has been used to treat nausea for centuries and can treat anything from nausea to morning sickness. The digestive effects of ginger target specific parts of the digestive tract causing stomach pain and vomiting. Drinking ginger beer or ginger tea for nausea has been shown to be effective because ginger helps your stomach to empty faster. The active ingredients gingerol and shogaol soothe your stomach quickly and get rid of whatever is worrying it.

Battle With Bacteria :
     The ginger contained in ginger is effective in fighting infection and inhibiting the growth of bacteria. It is flexible enough to handle many types of bacteria, including bacteria in the gut, mouth, and even the airways. Ginger is a great remedy for food poisoning, gingivitis, colds, and flu. How does it work? It increases the number of T cells that seek out and destroy pathogens in your body. Fresh ginger has been shown to be more effective than other forms and can be eaten with food or taken in a ginger tea or tonic.

Lowering Cholesterol Levels :

     If you have high cholesterol, adding fresh or powdered ginger to your diet can help lower LDL cholesterol levels. Eating ginger triggers specific enzymes that help monitor and control cholesterol levels by increasing the amount of cholesterol your body uses. The more cholesterol you use, the lower the levels. Here's a delicious way to add ginger to your daily routine: add it to your oatmeal or morning smoothie for a healthy start to the morning.

Reducing Inflammation & Pain :
     One of the biggest health benefits of ginger is that it reduces inflammation, which also helps with acute or chronic pain. It is especially useful for pain relief in conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It is also useful for short-term muscle soreness after exercise. A study from the University of Miami found that ginger extract was as effective as taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The next time you experience joint stiffness and muscle pain, consuming ginger can help you move more easily.

Reducing Cancer Risk :
     Ginger has many preventive health benefits, including reducing the risk of cancer. It protects your cells from DNA changes and can prevent cancer cells from growing. Ginger has also been shown to make cancerous tumors more susceptible to treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy. Although more research is needed in humans, current research has found that ginger may help prevent or suppress cancer growth in colon cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer, lymphoma, and skin cancer.

Relieves Menstrual Cramps :

     Here's some good news for women: ginger helps relieve cramps. It has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties that help relieve pain associated with menstrual cramps, and is often more effective than over-the-counter medications. In one study, women reported reduced pain after consuming one gram of ginger powder daily for the first three days of menstruation. Ginger is also easier on the digestive system than ibuprofen and can help with other symptoms such as nausea. When it's time for your cycle, it's time to add ginger to your diet.

Reducing Migraine Pain :
     Ginger contains a powerful punch that relieves migraine headaches. Ingesting ginger can help relieve the pain and nausea associated with migraines and is believed to work in the same way as the regular migraine medication sumatriptan. Ginger also doesn't cause the side effects that many people with migraine medications experience. Studies show that taking 500 to 600 mg of ginger powder at the onset of a migraine and continuing to take it every four hours for four days can protect you from migraine symptoms.

Rejuvenate Skin & Hair :

     Skip the beauty counter and head to the fresh ginger product stand to enhance your skincare routine. Consuming ginger improves your hair and skin in many ways. Can reduce the appearance of scars, maintain collagen levels, even out skin tone, stimulate hair growth, fight bacteria that cause dandruff, and reduce swelling. Results? Your skin is healthier and looks younger. No cream or serum required. Just add a little ginger to your daily diet.

Diabetes :

     There is conflicting evidence about the effects of ginger on blood sugar control in people with diabetes. Some research shows that taking ginger in two divided doses daily for 8 weeks lowers insulin levels, but does not lower blood sugar. Another study showed that ginger affected blood sugar but did not affect insulin levels. Although unclear, conflicting results may be due to the dose of ginger used or the length of time it takes to diagnose diabetes.

Abdominal Pain (Dyspepsia) :
     Studies show that taking a single dose of 1.2 grams of ginger root powder one hour before a meal speeds up the rapid emptying of food in some people with dyspepsia.

Reduce Hangover :
     Early research shows that taking a combination of ginger, tangerine core, and brown sugar before drinking it reduces symptoms of hangover, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Insect Bites :

     Early research shows that applying trikatu, which contains extracts of ginger, long pepper, and black pepper, to the skin does not reduce the size of mosquito bites.

Joint Pain :

     Studies show that taking capsules of a certain combination product (Instaflex Joint Support, Direct Digital, Charlotte, NC) containing ginger for 8 weeks reduces joint pain by 37%. But this product does not seem to reduce joint stiffness or improve joint function.

Working Acceleration :
     Preliminary evidence suggests that bathing in water containing ginger oil does not reduce the duration of labor.

Reduce Muscle Pain After Exercise :

     There is conflicting evidence that ginger helps relieve muscle soreness caused by exercise. Some studies show benefits and some don't.

Recovery After Surgery :

     Data show that inhaling and applying a combination of lavender oil and ginger to the skin before surgery does not reduce stress in children after surgery.