Wood apple is a round or oval fruit that may have a thin, hard, woody or gray-green skin that turns yellow when ripe. Apple orchards are found in many temple gardens in India because the tree is considered sacred and the leaves are often used in religious ceremonies. 


Nutrition :

100gm Of Wood Apple (KAVATH) Provide :

  • Energy : 134
  • Protein : 7gm
  • Fat : 4gm
  • Fiber : 5gm
  • Carbs : 18gm

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Thiamine
  • Riboflavin
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron 


Benefits :

Medicine For Constipation :
     Ripe bael fruit acts as a laxative that helps cleanse and tone the intestines. For best results, it can be consumed regularly in the form of sorbet porridge for 2 to 3 months. Mix the pulp with a little sugar and milk. Can be consumed without added sugar or milk. 60 grams of pulp is enough for an adult.

Helps Overcome Diarrhea & Dysentery :
     Immature bael is an effective treatment for chronic diarrhea and dysentery. Cut the fruit that is still unripe and dry in the sun, then puree. Drink a mixture of 1 teaspoon of powder, warm water, and brown sugar twice a day. Consuming Bael powder reduces phlegm and blood in dysentery. For best results, it should be taken for at least a week. However, this does not make sense in the case of severe dysentery.

Treat Stomach Ulcers :
     Apple tree leaves have enough tannins to treat boils. Soak the leaves in water overnight and consume this water as a drink every week. Sorbet, made from ripe bael fruit, contains substances that cover the lining of the stomach and help heal ulcers. You have to eat cooked porridge or drink sorbet for at least three days to cure the ulcer. 

Respiratory Health :
     Apple tree leaves cure respiratory ailments. To relieve coughs and colds, heat sesame oil with a teaspoon of black cumin, peppercorns, and bael leaf juice. If the oil is lukewarm, massage it into your head and scalp before showering. Consume bael leaves with 3 to 4 black peppercorns and drink warm milk to reduce the onset of asthma. This should be done for at least a month.

Controlling Cholesterol, Diabetes & Gout :
     Apple tree leaves have methanolic properties that help lower blood cholesterol, urea and blood sugar. Studies show that the activity properties of methanol in the leaves are identical to those of modern medicines. To get the effect, consume dry leaf tea every day. It helps lower lipid and triglyceride profiles.

Acts As An Antioxidant :
     Bael fruit is rich in phenolic compounds known as antioxidants. All parts of the tree contain antioxidants that play an important role in treating cells damaged by free radicals and preventing degenerative diseases such as heart disease, dementia, Alzheimer's and cancer. Antioxidants slow down the aging process so skin stays young for longer. Studies show that the best antioxidant activity is found in the leaves. To get antioxidants, drink tea made from bael leaves.

Treating Scurvy :

     Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C, which is a life-threatening condition. Wood apples are rich in vitamin C, which prevents scurvy from developing. The high content of vitamin C increases potency and strengthens the immune system by preventing viral and microbial infections.

Prevention Of Liver Problems :
     Wood apples are a great source of beta-carotene, a remedy for liver disease. It consists of riboflavin and thiamine, which are known to improve liver health. The fruit works as a heart tonic.

Malaria Prevention :
     Studies show that applying a mixture of pulp and repellant to the skin of pregnant women can help prevent malaria. The repellent is non-irritating and neutral and feels warm when applying this mixture. Studies are still ongoing to determine the mechanism behind the mixed benefit in malaria.

Medicine For Hemorrhoids :
     The juice obtained from the Bael fruit contains tannins, which help with cholera, vitiligo, diarrhea and hemorrhoids. It is useful in treating anemia, eye and ear diseases. A mixture of juice with melted butter and turmeric is used in Ayurveda to treat fractures.

Snakebite :

     Bael root and leaves have been used to treat snakebites since ancient times and have proven to be very effective.

Eye Infection :

     The leaves are a very effective treatment for a number of eye infections, such as conjunctivitis.

Fever :
     Both the root and bark of the tree are used as herbs in various forms of fever. The root is used in Ayurveda to stop fever caused by problems of Vata, Kapha and also Pitta.


Uses :

  • Swallowing about 20 ml of wood apple leaves juice is effective in controlling diabetes and also reduces excessive urination.
  • Boil a glass of water with half a teaspoon or a teaspoon of dried bael leaves. Finally, cool the liquid and strain. Take this solution three times a day to lower high blood pressure.
  • Regular consumption of a mixture of ripe fruit puree, sugar, and honey after dinner is beneficial at the onset of TB disease. Follow this process for about 40 days.
  • A teaspoon of dried bael leaves and powder for 3 days can help cultivate appetite.