Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), a succulent fruit and vinelike plant from the Cucurbitaceae family, is native to tropical Africa and is grown around the world. The fruit contains vitamin A and some vitamin C and is usually eaten raw. The shell sometimes persists. like pickles.


Description :
     Watermelon is an annual plant that grows well in hot climates; Its vines are underground and have branched tendrils, deeply cut leaves and single flowers in the axils of the leaves (for example, where the leaves meet the stem). Each pale yellow flower is male or female, producing only pollen or fruit, respectively.
     The fruit is a type of berry known as pepo. The sweet and juicy flesh can be red, white, or yellow; The color of the flesh, the shape of the fruit and the thickness of the peel depend on the variety. Watermelon weight ranges from 1 to 2 kg (2.5 to 5 lb) to 20 kg (44 lb) or more. 


Nutrition :

1Cup Of Watermelon Diced Provide :

  • Calories : 46
  • Carbs : 11.48gm
  • Fat : 0.23gm
  • Fiber : 0.6gm
  • Protein : 0.93gm
  • Sugar : 9.42gm
  • water : 139gm

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium


Benefits : 

Keeps You Hydrated :
     This healthy fruit is 92% water, which means you consume fewer calories and more food. This fruit has the ability to limit your dehydration and that means you need to add this to your weight loss diet. The most common levels of hydration can protect you from dry mouth and are good for heart health. Adequate hydration will keep your body cool in the middle of summer. It cleanses your body and keeps your skin healthy. So, all you have to do is consume a glass of watermelon every day and you will be fine.

Helps Regulate Blood Sugar :
     This juicy fruit helps your kidneys convert L-citrulline (an amino acid) into L-arginine (an amino acid). In fact, these two amino acids tend to protect you from diabetes. From a medical point of view, the L-arginine dietary supplement, watermelon, is essential for regulating glucose and insulin metabolism in the body.

Help You Lose Weight :

     If you are wondering how to lose weight naturally, consider adding this healthy fruit to your weight loss diet. Since this fruit consists mostly of water, it gives you a feeling of fullness and it will limit your appetite from breakfast to your favorite foods. So if you want to switch to a lighter side, you need to add this juicy fruit to your weight loss diet.

Help Prevent Cardiovascular Disease :
     Lycopene is a substance found in watermelon that gives the fruit its reddish color. Tomatoes also have this substance, but did you know that this substance is found more in watermelons than in tomatoes? Lycopene can lower cholesterol and thus lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. All you have to do is eat a glass of watermelon a day and it will work.

Reducing Asthma Severity :
     Watermelon is a good source of vitamin C, which is responsible for reducing the effects of asthma. This could mean that you can combat some of the severe effects of asthma with just one cup of watermelon a day. In addition, asthmatics with low vitamin C levels tend to have more asthma symptoms, so watermelon is a good recommendation if you are struggling with such an ailment. In simple terms, watermelon contains about 40% vitamin C, which is good for asthmatics.

Reduces Dental Problems :
     Eating a glass of watermelon every day can protect you from periodontal disease, a condition that affects about 25% of the world's population. This disease is characterized by tooth loss, infection, and is also associated with other heart diseases. The main substance that reduces the side effects of periodontal disease is vitamin C. So all you have to do is add a little watermelon to your daily diet and it will benefit you.

Fights Inflammation :

     One of the most common forms of inflammatory disease that most people face today is inflammation, which is the cause of many serious illnesses. These diseases include heart disease, cancer, and fibromyalgia. Inflammation has many problems that most people face today and fighting this disease should be taken as a preventative measure. An easy way to combat this type of inflammation is to add watermelon to your daily diet.

Good For Nerve Function :
     Watermelon is rich in potassium which can help regulate nerve function. In simpler terms, it allows electrical impulses and messages. You should remember that potassium deficiency can cause numbness and tingling in the human body. So if you experience leg cramps in your legs, it might be the reason for low potassium levels in your body. All you have to do is drink a glass of watermelon juice.

Prevent Heat Stroke :
     Heat stroke is a dangerous problem facing many people in the United States. However, this condition can be life-threatening, which is characterized by fever, and the body temperature regulates very high temperatures. Watermelon contains electrolytes that can help prevent heat stroke. All you have to do is drink watermelon juice and this will keep your body cool and help regulate your body temperature.

Good For Kidneys :

     The human body is exposed to many toxins from food, including the air we breathe. However, these toxins are cleared from your kidneys, and to keep your kidneys healthy and well, you need to drink 1 glass of watermelon juice every day. The main nutrients in watermelon are calcium and potassium which help fight toxins and flush them out of your body.