Sweet potatoes (scientific name: Ipomoea batatas) are a tuber of the morning glory family, which, unlike white potatoes, belongs to the potato family and is more closely related to tomatoes and tomato plants. Sweet potatoes are orange or yellow in color, but can also be white, red, or purple. Believe it or not, sweet potato leaves are edible too.

     Originally from the tropics of America, this versatile product is likely to date back to the present day, grown all over the world, with the main producers being China, Nigeria and Tanzania. In the United States, North Carolina grows the most sweet potatoes of any state. 


Nutrition :

One Cup Of Sweet Potato Contain (200gm Approx) :

  • Calories : 180
  • Carbs : 41.4gm
  • Protein : 4gm
  • Fat : 0.3gm
  • Fiber : 6.6gm

Vitamins & Minerals :

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B6
  • Thiamin
  • Niacin
  • Pantothenic Acid
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc 


Benefits :

Aids Digestion :
     Sweet potatoes contain high-quality fiber and plant sterols that help digest food and prevent duodenal and stomach ulcers.

Inflammation Treatment :
     Sweet potatoes have anti-inflammatory properties. The beta-carotene, manganese, choline, and vitamins B6 and C in sweet potatoes act as powerful antioxidants that help reverse inflammation in the body.  

Immune System Booster :
     It's a great source of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant, and along with a complex of vitamins C and B, iron and phosphorus, these nutrients help strengthen your immune system and stay healthy.

Relieves Arthritis Pain :
     The complex of zinc and B vitamins makes sweet potatoes the best food for arthritis treatment. Eating foods rich in beta-cryptoxanthin has been shown to reduce the risk of arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

Cancer Prevention :
     Beta-carotene is the most powerful antioxidant and anti-cancer compound found in sweet potato skins. The beta-carotene and vitamin C in sweet potatoes are very helpful in preventing various cancers, including colon cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer. It boosts metabolism and regulates blood sugar levels in the body.  

Prevention Of Vitamin A Deficiency :
     Vitamin A plays an important role in maintaining optimal vision, building healthy bones, and maintaining strong teeth, soft tissues and mucous membranes. Vitamin A deficiency can cause many chronic diseases that must be treated immediately. Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted by the liver to vitamin A, which boosts immunity and prevents infections.

Helps Manage Stress :
     Stress harms your mental and physical health. We often associate high levels of stress with our brain, but this problem can also be addressed by changing our diet. Magnesium is an essential mineral for normal bodily functions and can reduce anxiety and depression, especially in women. These miraculous glands are very useful in fighting insomnia. Treat sleepless nights with your daily diet with sugarcane.

Weight Loss Booster :
     Sweet potatoes are rich in soluble fiber, which can keep you full longer. Fibrinolytic pectin is important for reducing food intake, boosting metabolism and increasing hormones that can reduce afternoon hunger. Just add boiled sweet potatoes to your snack box or salad.