The Surinam cherry is native to the tropics of South America (such as Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, and northern Argentina). It is widely grown in tropical regions. Loves well-drained soil. Surinam cherry varieties: common bright red and rarely dark red to almost black. Blossoms in September, bears fruit two to three times a year.


Description : 

     Surinam cherry is a small, evergreen, branched shrub or shrub that grows up to 10 m (30 ft) in height. Leaves are opposite, simple, pinnate, ovate or elliptical to ovoid, glossy, dark green, 2.58 cm (13 in) long. The flowers are white, slender, ovoid, airy, fragrant, 13 mm (0.5 in) wide. The fruit is concave into a ball; 4 cm (1.5 inches) wide and 1 inch in diameter. Fruit pulp is orange to red in color. The fruit has 2 or 3 small, light brown seeds. 


Nutrition : 

One Cup Of Surinam Cherry Contain (173gm Approx) :

  • Water : 157.1 gm    
  • Energy : 239 kJ
  • Protein : 1.38 gm
  • Fat : 0.69gm
  • Ash : 0.86 gm    
  • Carbs : 12.96 gm

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B3
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Sodium 


Benefits :

Heart disease :
     Due to its high levels of vitamin C, Surinam cherry may protect blood vessels from damage caused by free radicals. Atherosclerosis is a heart disease caused by free radicals. Vitamin C prevents heart disease and other heart problems.

Cancer Treatment :
     Eating lots of fruits and vegetables may reduce cancer risk. Research shows that high intakes of vitamin C help reduce the risk of cancer of the mouth, lungs, larynx, vocal cords, rectum, colon, esophagus and stomach.

Ophthalmology :
     A cataract is a visual impairment. People with cataracts have low vitamin C levels. A high intake of vitamin C increases blood flow to the eye area.


Cold Cure :
     Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and prevents coughs and colds. Stimulates iron absorption and increases the body's resistance to infection. Helps fight viruses.

Skin Health :
     Vitamin A helps flush out toxins and free radicals that damage your skin. It retains moisture and prevents skin diseases such as dehydration, dead skin cells and psoriasis, leaving the skin soft and supple.

Acne Prevention :
     Vitamin A reduces excess fat production and reduces acne. It strengthens the skin structure and improves the health and freshness of the skin. Helps maintain mucus membranes and skin tissue. This substance removes toxins from the body and cleanses the system with its antioxidant properties.

Immune Booster :
     Vitamin A boosts immune strength to fight infections by increasing the response of lymphocytes to antigens. Provides moisture to the mucous membranes, providing immune strength and stimulating leukocyte activity. Prevents entry into the body, resists Dual-core protection Guarantees.

Prevents Muscular Dystrophy :
     It helps maintain bone shape and health Vitamin A ensures proper muscle growth Prevents the development of muscular dystrophy.

Red Blood Cell Production :
     Vitamin B2 helps in the production of antibodies and red blood cells in humans. Helps increase oxygen and blood circulation in the organs of the body.

Regulates Growth & Reproduction :
     vitamin B2 ensures the development and proper growth of human reproductive organs and body tissues. growths such as connective tissue, skin, eyes, nervous system, mucous membranes, and the immune system. In addition, it promotes healthy nails, skin and hair.


Uses :

  • The leaves are considered as astringent, stomachic, febrifuge and tonic.
  • The infusion is an aid for influenza, head colds, coughs, chest colds and fevers.
  • The infusion is consumed before childbirth.
  • The crushed plant is steeped in the boiling water which is used as a wash to ease irritated skin.
  • The fruits help to lower blood pressure.
  • The syrup helps to cure influenza.
  • The infusion made from leaves helps to treat fever, stomach diseases, rheumatism and digestive tract disorders, yellow fever, hypertension and gout.
  • It also helps to lower blood pressure, weight and used as diuretic.
  • The plants are used to treat the health ailments such as coughs, dysentery, diabetes, inflammation and ringworm.
  • The leaf infusion is used in Brazil as a febrifuge, stomachic and astringent.
  • In Java, fruits are used to lower blood pressure.
  • The leaves help to reduce blood cholesterol and uric acid levels.
  • The bark is used to treat diarrhea, hypertension, gout, edema, gastrointestinal disorders and eye infections.