Strawberry (genus Fragaria), a genus of over 20 species of flowering plants of the rose family (Rosaceae) and their edible fruits. Strawberries are native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere and are widely grown throughout the world. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, is often eaten fresh as a dessert fruit, is used as a filling for cakes or pies, and can be preserved in a variety of ways. Traditional American dessert.


Description :

     Strawberries are low-growing herbaceous plants with a fibrous root system and a top, from which root leaves emerge. Leaves are compound, usually three-leafed, toothed and often pubescent. The flowers, usually white, less often reddish, grow in small clusters on thin stems emerging from the axils of the leaves, resembling superficial stems. As the tree ages, the root system becomes arboreal and the “mother” tip touches the wire (such as the trunk) with the ground and roots, forcing the plant to grow vegetatively. From a botanical point of view, strawberries are considered an "accessory" and not a real berry. The pulp consists of a portion containing flowers that are greatly enlarged and surrounded by many real fruits or fillings, known in folklore as seeds.


Nutrition :

100gm Of Strawberry Contain :

  • Water : 90.95gm
  • Energy : 136KJ
  • Protein : 0.67gm
  • Fat : 0.3gm
  • Ash : 0.4gm
  • Carbs : 7.68gm
  • Fiber : 2gm
  • Sugar : 4.89gm

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin C
  • Thaimin
  • Riboflavin
  • Pantothenic Acid
  • Vitamin B6
  • Folate
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin K
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Manganese 


Benefits :

May Improve Heart Function :
     Strawberries may have high levels of heart-healthy antioxidants like ellagic acid and flavonoids like anthocyanins, catechins, quercetin, and kaempferol. According to research, these phenolic compounds help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by suppressing the formation of LDL and total levels. Another Harvard Medical School study found that young and middle-aged women who ate three or more half cups of strawberries or blueberries a week were 34 percent less likely to have a heart attack. Berries dilate blood vessels, help lower blood pressure, and prevent cardiovascular problems. The high levels of fiber, vitamin C and folate in strawberries make up the perfect trio for heart health. They can lower cholesterol levels in arteries and blood vessels.

May Stimulate The Brain :
     Strawberries are rich in iodine, vitamin C, and phytochemicals that help support the normal functioning of the nervous system.

May Help With Skin Care :
     Strawberries can protect your skin from harmful substances and UV light. A 2017 Italian study found that cosmetic formulations of strawberry extract can protect skin from UV damage. Regular use of the strawberry mask can keep your skin fresh and clean. Another study found that strawberries can help prevent free radical damage to the skin through their antioxidant properties.

May Help With Eye Care :
     Consuming strawberries can prevent eye conditions such as dry eyes, optic nerve degeneration, macular degeneration, visual defects, and increased susceptibility to infections.

May Boost Immunity :

     Vitamin C, found in strawberries and many other fruits, strengthens the immune system and helps cure coughs and colds. One cup of strawberries can meet your daily vitamin C.

May Provide Relief From Arthritis & Gout:

     The Arthritis Foundation recommends eating strawberries because they are rich in antioxidants and detoxifiers that help reduce gout and gout attacks. joints and the accumulation in the body of toxic substances and acids (for example, uric acid).

May Help Prevent Birth Defects :
     Folic acid is an essential nutrient, especially during pregnancy, as it helps prevent birth defects. Strawberries are a rich source of folate. 250 grams of strawberries can contain 30% of the daily value of folate.

May Help You Lose Weight :

     Strawberries are very popular with people looking to lose weight. Not only are they delicious, they also help you lose weight. According to the book 25 Secrets to Burning Fat, strawberries increase the production of adiponectin and leptin, which are fat-burning hormones. They can help reduce appetite, lower blood sugar, and reduce body weight and body fat, which speeds up the process. Strawberry lemonade soda is a natural way to flavor water and increase fluid intake, and also helps with weight loss.

May Help Improve Bone Health :
     A 2017 study found strawberries have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and may help fight osteoarthritis. antioxidants that help control inflammation and prevent free radical damage. Plus, manganese, vitamins C, K, and potassium help improve bone health.

May Help Prevent Constipation :

     Strawberries, due to their fiber content, help stimulate digestion and prevent constipation. They can be especially helpful for children. Stanford Children's Health recommends strawberries for children with constipation because of their moderate fiber content.

May Help Improve Hair Health :
     Rich in antioxidants, ellagic acid and vitamins, it helps fight hair loss, hydrates hair and prevents dandruff. For shine, mix 56 chopped strawberries with 1 tablespoon of yogurt. and wash off after 10-15 minutes. Wash your hair as usual. Acts as a natural hair conditioner.

Can Whiten Teeth :

     Strawberries contain malic acid, which acts as a natural teeth whitener. Sugar-free strawberry gum is also popular. fruit with baking soda until mixed and applied to teeth.Leave it on for 5 minutes and rub gently with a toothbrush to whiten your teeth.

Uses :

  • Strawberries are often eaten raw or added to fruit salads and creams.
  • Strawberry juice, which can be easily made at home, is easy to eat, and strawberry extract is rich in flavor, so it is widely used in processed foods such as ice cream, jam, jelly, pumpkin, smoothie, pudding, and chocolate.
  • It turns the color of fruit extracts used in tablets, medicines, protein bars, protein shakes and food supplements.
  • This fragrant fruit is full of antioxidants and is widely used in lotions, cleansers, baby toothpastes, body oils, and shampoos.