Juicy, sweet and citrus-like, the tamarillo or tree tomato is a small oval fruit that is closely related to other nightshade vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, ground cherries and chili peppers. Some of the common names are Tree Tomato (Spanish), Arvore Tomato (Brazil, Portuguese), and Tree Tomato (English) Scientific name: Solanum betaceum (Cyphomandra betacea).

     It is believed that tree tomatoes come from the semi-tropical high forests of the Andes in Brazil and Peru; They are grown commercially in large orchards in northern New Zealand and exported to the United States, Australia, Japan and countries in the European Union.



     The tamarillo is a small shrub or tree that reaches about 515 feet tall with hairy stems and branches; its evergreen leaves are wider than those of tomatoes; a well-developed plant has small, attractive pale pink fleshy flowers in the first year of planting; However, fruiting is generally discouraged until the second or third year. Yellow is oval in shape with a smooth, shiny skin and can vary in color depending on the variety. Red tamarillos are more common than yellow-orange varieties. Fruits fully ripe, oval characteristics , approx. 68 cm. long and 46 cm wide, weighs approx. 100 g. Inside, the cut looks similar to plum tomatoes. The pulp is juicy, deep, sweet but spicy, spicy, filled with many small, flat edibles and in the form of a slice. Seeds that are slightly larger than those of tomatoes. 



100gm Of Tamarillo Contain :

  • Energy : 31
  • Carbs : 3.8gm
  • Protein : 2gm
  • Fat : 0.36gm
  • Fiber : 3.3gm

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Folate
  • Niacin
  • Thiamin
  • Pyridoxine
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc
  • Selenium 



Helps To Lose Weight :
     Good for people who want to lose weight. Tamarillo juice, consumed raw, with herbs or as a salad, acts as an antidote when consumed, and its acidic properties aid in fat loss. Plus, it can accelerate weight loss. 

Good For Skin :
     Tamarillo contains vitamins A, C and E to keep your skin healthy and radiant. aging. Like regular tomatoes, they can be used in home remedies for a variety of skin problems.

Helps Control Diabetes :
     The chlorogenic acid found in tamarillo helps lower blood sugar levels in type II diabetes. Tamarillo contains excellent antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress in organs such as the pancreas and liver. Eat tamarillo pulp or drink its juice. Eating a snack on the stomach will provide the best results. to cook over coals for external medicinal use. 

Treat High Blood Pressure :
     Increase your intake of tamarillo to lower your high blood pressure levels.Rich in minerals and potassium, this fruit helps control blood pressure. In addition, tamarillo is also high in fiber, which helps slow the absorption of bad cholesterol in the body.

Healing Sore Tonsils :
     The indigenous people of Ecuador incubate tamarillo leaves and then wrap them around the neck to heal sore tonsils; the absorption of heat by the leaves helps relieve pain; Colombians make fruit poultices over hot coals for external medicinal use.

Good For Heart :
     Potassium, a nutrient rich in tamarillo, helps balance the harmful effects of high sodium levels on the heart, provides magnesium for normal cardiovascular function, and tamarillo also contains high levels of the nutrient. The high fiber content helps slow the absorption of bad cholesterol in the body. Thanks to its excellent antioxidant properties, it helps reduce oxidative stress that can lead to stroke.

Eyesight :

     Tamarillo berries are also great for maintaining healthy vision, vitamin A restores moisture to the eye membranes, which act as a barrier to bacteria and viruses, protecting the eyes from infections and reducing damage caused by eye conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

Cancer :
     The anthocyanins found in dark tamarillo are powerful antioxidants that help fight cancer-causing free radicals. They also have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent cancer outbreaks.

Improves Metabolism :

     Foods rich in vitamins and minerals are extremely beneficial for improving the functioning of your body. A healthy, well-functioning body is the result of a well-functioning metabolism. Vitamin B6 found in fruits helps in energy production. Helps convert calories into usable energy, thereby limiting excess weight gain. Vitamins also help to improve the metabolism of the hemoglobin present in your body, making it easier to carry blood. Tamarillo effectively fights obesity.

Boosts Immune System :

     Vitamin C is known for its antioxidant properties, is useful in treating various diseases, and tamarillo is a good source of vitamin, so regular consumption will help the body. You heal and restrict both externally and internally. It helps to strengthen your body and thus fight elements that can harm your body. However, consuming too much fruit will not give you a stronger immune system, as it is important to always consume fruit in controlled portions.

Improves Hair Health :
     Overall, tamarillo plays a fundamental role in the field of cosmetic health care, meaning it is extremely beneficial not only for improving skin health, but also for hair and nails. The polyunsaturated linoleic acid in locust bean fruit is effective in treating dandruff, hair loss, eczema and psoriasis. Essential fatty acids strengthen hair from the roots, rejuvenate the scalp and strong nails, and prevent the growth of brittle nails.