The cabbage is one of the most common vegetables on the planet. But do you know that it can be obstructed as a good dose of healthy profits? Cabbage, rich cabbage antioxidants and cabbage help improve brain work to improve safety digestion against brain disorders and cardiovascular disease. It is also an excellent option for cal.
     Cabage, red, red or white of vegetables that increases every year. This is a severe garden concerning the family of leaves, tours and ovals. There is a soft or white or white or white leaf. It is one of the growing fresh products. In other words, broccoli and Colombia and the stream are approaching. It is usually used in the world and can be prepared in a variety of ways. Including many officers can also include violent parts.  


Nutrition :

100gm Of Cabbage Provide :

  • Water : 92.18gm
  • Energy : 25
  • Protein : 1.28gm
  • Fat : 0.1gm
  • Carbs : 5.8gm
  • Fiber : 2.5gm
  • Sugar : 3.2gm
  • Ash : 0.64gm

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin C
  • Thiamin
  • Riboflavin
  • Niacin
  • Pantothenic Acid
  • Vitamin B6
  • Folate
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Manganese 


Benefits :

Antioxidants :
     The antioxidants in this vegetable are derived from vitamin C and flavonoids such as quercetin and apigenin. Red cabbage is rich in anthocyanins and can be very strong. Studies have shown that antioxidants can reduce inflammation and improve brain function.

Anti-Inflammatory :
     A study published in Clinical Phytoscience found that cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage have anti-inflammatory properties. They contain sulforaphane, a substance that can reduce inflammation, and cadmium complexes can also form in the leaves. One of the main components is glutamine. Because glutamine is a powerful anti-inflammatory, it helps reduce inflammation, inflammation, allergies, joint pain, fever, and a variety of skin conditions.

Help Digestive System :
     According to a study published in the World of Gastroenterology, cabbage fiber may increase bowel movements and help treat constipation. Cabbage, which is rich in fiber and glucosinolates, helps the body retain water and maintain the amount of food passing through the intestines.

Improve Heart Health :

     One study found that cabbage is rich in polyphenols and may reduce risk. Heart disease caused by lowering blood pressure and inhibiting platelet aggregation. It also helps lower bad cholesterol levels by binding with bile acids.

Skin Care & Vitamin C :
     After a new health condition, the rich coal can be rich in vitamin C. A and half red cabbage cups can satisfy the needs of daily vitamins. Improve your skin health allows the amount of vitamin C to high dose with different efficiencies. Hobelia therapy can treat scratches, decreases and dry skin.

Prevent Eyes :

     Cabbage can be rich in ß-carotene. To promote the delay more than people, in particular eliminating Combus comments and promote eye health and eye configuration.

Brain Health :
     Cabbage can thrive with antioxidants like vitamin, iodine and anthosphery. These elements can be useful as they create blocks in the brain. However, the research shows that they maintain the most structural work protection for the nervous system of the brain and the nervous system.

Weight Reduction :

     Cabbage is often recommended for weight loss. Vegetables are packaged by many people, including water, fiber, minerals and other foods, so they are a healthy food to find health and refuse books. You could also have a few calories, and it's only 33 calories of boiled vegetables. These convenient features are often used for those who want to quickly lose to the "carbon diet".

Bone Reform :
     Calcium, metal, magnesium and potassium is an important source. These three base metals can be integrated into the orthopedic protection against a decline, and the conditions started as osteoporosis and ugly bones. The National Health Foundation recommends that these vitamin K rich foods such as cabbage to strengthen bones, glands, legumes and muscles.

Regulate Blood Pressure :

     Red cabbage can only be a good source of anthocyanins. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that "higher anthocyanin intake in women was associated with lower blood stiffness and central blood pressure." Simply put, this anthocyanin-rich vegetable can help lower blood pressure and prevent heart disease.
     The presence of potassium can protect you from high blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Potassium is a vasodilator, meaning it can open blood vessels and facilitate blood flow so that it is not forced through the narrowed arteries and veins under stress. Overall, it can be a great protection against many types of dangerous conditions!

Muscle Delicate Pain :

     Lactic acid is spent when different bacteria are made in cabbage during cooking. This meal is the easiest to find, but can reduce muscle keys and pain. Therefore, in small processes, it helps reduce the muscles of public pain based on their preparation.

Speeds Up Healing :
     Cabbage is rich in sulfur is very useful for nutrients. Sulfur can cause damage to micro-organism and many improvements. It can reduce frequency and wound injuries. 


Types :

  • Red Cabbage
  • Choy Sum
  • Bok Choy
  • Savoy Cabbage
  • Napa Cabbage
  • Cannonball Cabbage
  • January King Cabbage