Sapodilla or sapota (chikoo) is a popular tropical winter fruit relished for its sweet flavour and indispensable medicinal properties and therapeutic benefits. It consists of a soft and easily digestible pulp, composed of natural sugars like mango, banana and jackfruit. It's nice to have the sweet scent of sapota with its juicy brown skin and grainy texture. Originating in Mexico, at Easter in Guatemala and Central America, settlers brought it to the Philippines, from where it traveled to the rest of Asia and then to India in the late 19th century.

     In India, Karnataka is the largest producer of medlar, followed by Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal. In India, several varieties of sapota are grown, known under the funny names Kali Patli, Cricket Ball, Baramati, Pili Patli, Dwarapudi and Chhatri. Called Chikoo or Chiki in Hindi, Sapota in Telugu, Chikku in Marathi, Cappota in Tamil, and Sapeta in Bengali. While nose berry, sapodilla plum, chiku and sapota are other common names for this delicious fruit.


Description : 

     Sapodilla is a slow growing evergreen tree belonging to the Sapotaceae family with the scientific

name Manilkara zapota, the tree usually reaches a height of over 30 m and prefers a hot and humid climate, wind resistant and starter tree. Fruiting occurs around the third to fourth year after planting. The bark is composed of a white, flexible latex called chicle, and the leaves are alternating, elliptical to ovoid, long, green and shiny, with white bell-shaped flowers. the corolla is six-lobed. The skin is hard and has a loose white latex when picked from the stem, while ripe fruits have a soft skin and do not emit gum when picked. pleasant smell and taste. The plant can only grow in hot tropical climates. The sapodilla tree bears fruit twice a year, although it blooms all year round.


Nutrition :

100gm Of Sapodilla Fruit Contain :

  • Energy : 83
  • Protein : 0.44gm
  • Fat : 1.10gm
  • Carbs : 19.9gm
  • Fiber : 10.9gm

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Folate
  • Niacin
  • Pantothenic Acid
  • Pyridoxine
  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamin
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorus
  • Selenium

Benefits : 

Provides Plenty Of Energy :
     Sapodilla is a calorie-rich fruit made up of easily digestible simple sugars such as fructose and sucrose. As a natural source of sugar, consuming misting can instantly replenish energy stores and is a great choice during intense workouts or sports. Sapodilla is the best fruit choice for children and pregnant women to meet the growing need for energy and improve overall health.

Promotes Digestion :
     The presence of natural plant tannins in sapota helps to neutralize acid secretion in the intestinal tract, and a large amount of fiber gets into the stool, regulates bowel movements, treats constipation and all other digestive problems. These powerful antiparasitic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of sapota can soothe irritated digestive tract and treat gastritis.

Boosts Immune System :
     Rich in vitamins A, C, polyphenols and antioxidant compounds, misting plays an important role in building a strong immune system that fights off toxins, harmful factors and reduces the risk of disease. protects the body from harmful bacteria and treats seasonal colds and coughs.

Reduce Stress :
     Stress has become one of the common health problems that can be largely controlled through healthy foods. In addition, as a natural sedative, it calms the nervous system and improves mood.

Strengthens Bones :

     If you are over 30 years old and have joint problems, add chicken rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, copper, selenium, magnesium and iron to your diet. Contained in sapota helps to strengthen bones,  prevent joint pain and avoid the risk of osteoporosis. Copper deficiency can increase the risk of osteoporosis, and an abundance of copper in chicken is important for maintaining healthy bones, connective tissue and muscles.

Prevents Cancer :

     The antioxidants present in sapodilla scavenge free radicals, fight oxidative stress, prevent the formation of tumor cells and reduce the risk of various forms of cancer. lung and oral cavity cancer. In addition, it is also a natural source of fiber, which helps maintain gut health and protects the body from colon cancer.

Treat Anaemia :
     Where the body cannot produce hemoglobin, red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients to all cells. Sapota is high in iron and copper, which help increase iron levels and treat anemia.

Regulates Blood Pressure :
      Sapodilla is one of the favorite fruits for controlling high blood pressure. Chickoo are rich in potassium, an essential mineral that helps lower sodium levels, relax muscles, improve circulation, and maintain blood pressure.

Improve Vision :

     High levels of vitamin A play an important role in maintaining good vision by improving the health of the cornea, the outermost layer of the eye. It is also found in rhodopsin, a protein found in the eye that helps you see in the dark. lighting and vision.

Helpful For Arthritis :
     Copper in sapota has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve pain and stiffness, strengthen muscles, bones, and restore connective tissue. People with arthritis can improve their condition by adding misting to their diet.

Use For Pregnant Women :

     Rich in vitamins A, C, folic acid, B6 and a source of simple carbohydrates, sapota is an excellent fruit for pregnant and lactating women, helping to replenish energy. Rich in electrolytes such as potassium, it helps control morning sickness and dizziness. Chickoo's powerful antioxidant properties fight bacterial infections, while its anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation in the gut.

Healthy Skin Benefits :
     Sapota is a wonderful fruit rich in skin-friendly nutrients that promote skin health and beauty. Rich in essential vitamins A, C and B, sapota rejuvenates new skin cells and retains moisture from the inside out. , flavonoids and antioxidants prevent toxins from damaging healthy skin cells, smoothing wrinkles, slowing down the aging process, promoting radiant and youthful skin in a natural way.