The Salak, known scientifically as Salacca zalacca, is a fruit native to southern Sumatra and southwest Java, as well as other regions of the world, and belongs to the Arecaceae family. It is grown in other regions as a food crop and is believed to have been naturalized in Bali, Lombok, Timor, Malaysia, Maluku and Sulawesi. 

     The fruit that grows in clusters at the base of the palm is also known as the snake fruit because of its reddish-brown scaly skin, but inside is sweeter than honey, sour like pineapple, and incredibly juicy. It is slightly sour, which causes a tingling sensation on the tongue. Bali and Salak Yogyakarta are some of the most popular Baltic herring fruits grown all over the world for their delicious taste and amazing appearance.


Nutrition :
100gm Of Salak Fruit Contain :

  • Water : 86.4gm
  • Carbs : 12.1gm
  • Protein : 0.8gm
  • Fat : 0.4gm

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin C
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus


Benefits :

Eye Tonic :
     Salak fruit is considered a beneficial medicine for the eyes, according to research by medical experts, herring fruit contains beta-carotene, which is very beneficial for the eyes, for those who want to keep their eyes healthy, healthy and balanced, but with anorexia. you need to constantly drink carrot juice, now you have another option - to replace carrot juice with herring juice. So including herring fruit in your regular diet is one of the best ways to get the beta-carotene you need.  

Good For Stomach :
     Salak fruits contain many nutrients, including calcium, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, and beta-carotene. Thanks to these nutrients, Salak is beneficial to human health. Tannins fight diarrhea, so herring can help cure diarrhea. In addition, herring also treats indigestion.It is best to use herring along with cuticles to prevent constipation.

Memory Booster :
     Due to its higher nutritional value, Salak is known as the "memory fruit". The large amount of potassium and pectin present in salak improves cognitive functions and improves memory.

Blood Sugar Control :
     The peel of the Salak fruit, turned into tea, helps regenerate pancreatic cells, helping to control diabetes, and also contains pterostilbene, a hypoglycemic agent that helps control diabetes. Street. Salak fruits in your diet are very beneficial for lowering blood glucose levels.

Supports Heart Health :
     Salak is high in potassium, which helps maintain heart health. High levels of antioxidants and minerals keep the cardiovascular system in good working order and help regulate water balance in the body.

Keep Fit :
     Vitamin A is beneficial for maintaining eye health, and eating more carrots is often recommended to get all the vitamin A benefits. Although Dr. Pericon recommends avoiding carrots during a wrinkle-free diet, to eat the same amount of food. It is rich in vitamin A (a carotenoid), which can trigger an inflammatory response due to its high sugar content. Raise your glass every time you try to reduce mimic wrinkles, young beginners should change their nickname with carrot juice Salak.

Promotes Overall Body Health :

     As mentioned above, Salak is one of the nutrient-rich fruits that improve overall body health. Its rich nutritional profile includes important vitamins and minerals that help support body functions. Cells and tissues and protect the body from the harmful effects of carcinogens. Regular use of a serving of Salak in the diet helps to reduce the risk of hemorrhoids.

Good for Pregnant Women :
     Pregnant women should choose foods that are good for the health of the mother and fetus, so a healthy diet should be a top priority. Salak fruit is very useful for young pregnant women suffering from morning sickness. Salak should regularly eat a balanced amount of protein-rich foods such as walnuts.

Helps to Lose Weight :
      Salak, due to its high fiber and antioxidant content, is a suitable food for a weight-controlling diet. Since salak is composed of calcium and carbohydrates, it provides the body with the necessary energy and resistance during the diet. Its tea is an excellent astringent for weight loss.