Pomegranate has long been used for its health benefits. Modern science suggests that pomegranates may protect the heart and prevent cancer. Pomegranate is a sweet and sour fruit with a thick skin. Although the peel is inedible, it contains hundreds of seeds that can be easily eaten or sprinkled on salads, oatmeal, hummus and other foods. Bottled pomegranate juice is also an easy way to apply this delicious fruit to your tree and enjoy some of its benefits. This tree needs enough heat for this hard, delicious fruit to grow and ripen. Pomegranate grows naturally in the Middle East and some Asian countries, but can also be produced in the United States. Most pomegranates are grown in California. September to November is the season


Nutrition :

1Cup Of Arils Contain :

  • Fiber : 7gm
  • Protein : 3gm
  • Sugar : 24gm
  • Calories : 144

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Folate
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin B6
  • Potassium 


Benefits :

Diabetes Management :
     Preliminary studies have shown improvements in insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes who started taking pomegranate juice. Pomegranate may also help people without diabetes maintain a healthy weight.

Reduces Cancer Risk :
     Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, and are known to protect against cell damage caused by free radicals. Studies have shown that pomegranate may be effective in preventing prostate, breast, lung, and colon cancer. Additionally, clinical studies in animals show that consuming pomegranate can prevent the growth of tumors in the lungs, skin, colon, and prostate. More research is needed to understand its effects on humans.


Alzheimer's Prevention :
     The antioxidants and high concentrations of fruit juice are known to prevent Alzheimer's disease progression and protect memory.

Digestion :
     Pomegranate juice can reduce intestinal inflammation and improve digestion. It may be helpful for people with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and other inflammatory bowel diseases. There is no question that pomegranate juice improves or worsens diarrhea, but most doctors recommend avoiding pomegranate juice until you feel better.

Anti-inflammatory :
     Pomegranate juice has strong anti-inflammatory properties due to its high concentration of antioxidants. Reduces inflammation in the body and prevents oxidative stress and damage.

Arthritis :
     The flavonoids in pomegranate juice may reduce osteoarthritis and inflammation that causes cartilage damage. The juice is currently being studied for its potential effects on osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and other forms of osteoarthritis.

Blood Pressure Control :
     Drinking pomegranate juice daily may also help lower systolic blood pressure. A comprehensive review of randomized trials shows that consuming pomegranate juice daily is beneficial for heart health.

Increase Oxygen Levels In Blood :

     Pomegranate helps to increase oxygen levels in the blood. Thanks to the antioxidants in pomegranate, it fights free radicals, lowers cholesterol and prevents the formation of blood clots. All of this allows the blood to finally flow freely, which improves the oxygen content in the body.

Boosts Immunity :
     Pomegranate contains anti-inflammatory compounds, making it very healthy for people with immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. It is also rich in vitamin C, which helps stimulate the production of antibodies and boost immunity. Pomegranates, for example, help maintain a healthy immune system and prevent common diseases and infections.

Lower Stress Level :
     Stress Reduction Pomegranate not only reduces internal oxidative stress, but also helps reduce the psychological stress experienced in personal and professional life. A study from Queen Margaret University found that people who drank pomegranate juice had lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that increases under stressful situations.