Passion fruits are one of the most nutritious tropical fruits, especially popular with health-conscious people. Despite its small size, it is full of antioxidants, vitamins and herbs. It is hard on the outside and juicy on the inside, and comes in many sizes and colors. The most common are purple and yellow varieties. 


Nutrition :

Single Passion Fruit Contain :

  • Calories : 17
  • Fiber : 2gm

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Niacin
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium


Benefits :

Rich In Antioxidants :
     Passion fruit is rich in antioxidants, compounds that help scavenge the body's harmful free radicals, which play an important role in maintaining healthy body systems. Scientists know that antioxidants specifically improve blood circulation in the brain and nervous system and reduce stress and inflammation in cells associated with heart disease and conditions such as heart disease.

Good Source Of Dietary Fiber :
     Passion fruit is rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is an essential element of any diet. Dietary fiber helps regulate the digestive system, keep the intestines healthy, and prevent constipation and enteritis. According to the American Heart Association, dietary fiber has the benefits of lowering cholesterol and supporting heart health. The recommended intake is 33.6 grams for men 19-19 years old and 28 grams for women 30-19 years old, but a 2008 study found that most Americans consume about 16 grams. Consuming passion fruit can help prevent constipation and improve digestion.

Improving Insulin Sensitivity :
     Several studies have shown that compounds in passion fruit seeds may improve insulin sensitivity. Improving insulin sensitivity can help reduce the risk of many diseases, including diabetes. A small human study in 2017 found that a compound called piceatannol could improve metabolism. In a similar animal study, researchers found that obese men consumed 20 mg per day for eight weeks. Improving metabolic health, including insulin sensitivity. Compared to those taking a placebo.

Boosts Immune System :
     Passion fruit is rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that protects the body from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin C helps the body absorb more iron from plant foods and strengthens the immune system.

Promotes Heart Health :

     Passion fruit is rich in potassium and low in sodium, which is good for heart health. When consumed with seeds, they are rich in fiber and help flush out excess vascular cholesterol. A high-fiber diet may reduce the risk of heart disease, and eating passion fruits may return blood pressure to normal. A diet low in sodium and potassium can help lower blood pressure.

Promotes Eye Health :

     Passion fruit is rich in vitamin A and helps prevent age-related macular degeneration, cataracts and night blindness. Passion fruits also have antioxidant properties, and their natural and glowing moisture can help reduce wrinkles and improve skin health. You need it every day.

Improve Gut Health :
     Passion fruit is an excellent source of soluble fiber, which acts as a laxative, regulates bowel movements, aids digestion, removes excess cholesterol, and prevents colon cancer.

Treating Insomnia :
     One of the most powerful medicinal compounds in passion fruit is a alkaloid Harman, that acts as a sedative. This combination reduces insomnia, restlessness, nervous anxiety and helps you get a good night's sleep. The next time you go to bed, eat passion fruit.