This tree is traditionally grown for its leaves, especially in Asia and North America, as it is the only food the silkworms eat. Usually black, white or red, it is often used to make wine, juice, tea, jam or canned food, and can also be dried and eaten as a snack. With a range of health benefits, berries are becoming increasingly popular around the world.


Desccription :  

     The fruits are small leaves, sometimes alternating along the stem, with serrated leaves. An object can be a monocot (male and female) or a dicotyledon (male or female only). Each fruit grows from a complete set of flowers and is officially called several flowers. The fruit resembles blackberries and is available in white, pink, red or purple colors. 


Nutrition :

100gm Of Mulberry Contain :

  • Calories : 43
  • Water : 88%
  • Protein : 1.4g
  • Carbs : 9.8g
  • Sugar : 8.1g
  • Fiber : 1.7g
  • Fat : 0.4g

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin C
  • Votamin A
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin E
  • Folate
  • Niacin
  • Pyridoxine
  • Riboflavin
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Magnesium
  • Selenium 


Benefits : 

Low Cholesterol :
     Cholesterol is an important fat molecule found in every cell in the body. However, high cholesterol is associated with an increased risk of heart disease, and animal studies show that berries and berry extracts can reduce excess fat and lower cholesterol. It can also improve the ratio of LDL (bad) to HDL (good). It has also been shown to reduce fat accumulation in the liver in some test-tube tests. And it can prevent fatty liver disease.

Control Blood Sugar :
     Type 2 diabetics are at risk of rapid hyperglycemia, so be careful when consuming carbohydrates. Mulberries contain a compound called 1-deoxyyrimycin (DNJ), which breaks down carbohydrates by inhibiting an enzyme in the intestine. It is useful for diabetics by delaying the rise in blood sugar after a meal. Human studies are needed to draw clear conclusions.


Reduced Cancer Risk :
     Increased stress in the body causes oxidative damage to cells and tissues, which increases cancer risk The berry has been part of traditional Chinese medicine for cancer treatment for hundreds of years, and now we believe that these known cancer-preventing effects may have a scientific basis. Animal studies suggest that the antioxidants in cranberry juice may reduce oxidative stress and reduce cancer risk. The same goes for fruits and vegetables in general. There is no evidence that mulberries reduce cancer risk compared to other fruits and berries.

Improving Digestion :

     Advisor contains a lot of fiber that the body needs for digestion. It increases the amount of stool in the stomach and promotes the flow of food through the gastrointestinal tract. This process frees us from problems such as constipation, gas and abdominal cramps.

Improving Blood Circulation :

     Berries are rich in antioxidants that improve function by widening blood vessels. It allows blood to flow freely from the heart to other parts of the body and regulates blood pressure. Berries are rich in iron, the presence of iron stimulates red blood cell production, polyphenols in berries keep blood vessels healthy, and their potassium content keeps blood pressure low.

Boosting Immunity :
     Advisors claim to use alkaloids to activate macrophages and boost the immune system. They keep the immune system healthy. Advisory Vitamin C is another immune system booster element.

Strengthens Bone Tissue :
     The combination of vitamin K, calcium and iron is the best combination of nutrients for building strong bones and tissues. And what do you imagine? The fruit is full of everything. These nutrients can help reverse the symptoms of bone loss and prevent bone diseases such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

Improve Brain Health :

     Berry provides the body with the calcium it needs to keep the brain healthy. They protect our brains from aging, keep us young, keep us awake, and even prevent Alzheimer's.

Improving Liver Health :
     Coconut has the ability to fortify the liver and contains iron to help maintain liver health. When consumed, it nourishes and purifies the blood in the liver.

Flu & Cold Prevention :
     If the flu is common, eating berries may help. Blueberries are naturally astringent and are known to kill bacteria and prevent and treat flu and colds. It also contains flavonoids that can help treat the cause.

Rich In Anti-Inflammatory Properties :

     Advisors contain resveratrol with anti-inflammatory properties. The presence of anthocyanins helps control inflammation and may be used as an alternative to symptomatic treatment.