Mangosteen also known as purple mango, is a beautiful tropical tree, native to Southeast Asia, grown for its sweet fruit. Valuable for its soft, juicy, and slightly astringent texture, horseradish fruit is usually eaten fresh, canned or dried. The plant is used locally in traditional medicine and touted as an alternative cancer treatment, but human clinical trials are lacking.

     Mangosteen has cultivated in Java, Sumatra, Indochina, and the southern Philippines. It is a new tree often seen in Indonesia. The mangosteen plant was first grown in British greenhouses in 1855, and the culture has since spread to the Western Hemisphere, where it is grown wild in western India, particularly Jamaica. Then it was made on the continents of Guatemala, Honduras, Panama and Ecuador. It can also grow in southern Florida. Bergamots generally do not grow outside the tropics, they are usually only found at local fresh produce markets, and until 2007, importing the fruit into the United States was illegal.


Description : 

    Mangosteen trees growing under optimal conditions can reach 9.5 m (31 ft) in height. The leaves are thick, glossy dark green leaves and 15-25 cm (6-10 inches) long pink flowers in opposite pairs along the stem. The fruits are the size of small oranges and have a rounded or smooth tip. The pure white flesh of a mangosteen is surrounded by a thick, hard, dark red skin resembling a tangerine. It takes 8 to 15 years for seeds to bear fruit. A single tree is said to produce more than 1,000 fruits per season, but in general, this plant produces good yields in a row. 


Nutrition :

1Cup Of Mangosteen Provides (200g) :

  • Calories : 143
  • Carbs : 35g
  • Fiber : 3.5g
  • Fat : 1g
  • Protein : 1g

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B9 (Folate)
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
  • Vitamin B2 ( Riboflavin)
  • Manganese
  • Copper
  • Magnesium 


Benefits :

Sources Of Antioxidants :
     Mangosteen is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins. Many of the specific antioxidants that provide amazing benefits to fruits are a group of natural polyphenols called xanthones. Magosteen contains two categories of xanthone, alpha mangosteen and gamma mangosteen. Mangosten fruit contains more than 20 known xanthones, most of which are found in the peel or rind of the fruit. Xanthones reduce oxidative stress caused by free radicals. This antioxidant scavenges free radicals, protecting the body from diseases like colds, flu, cancer and heart disease.

Boosts Immunity :
     Vitamin C-related xanthone rich in mangosteen improves and strengthens the immune system. Xanthones play a role in fighting free radicals, while vitamin C improves the production and function of white blood cells, or white blood cells, which are primarily responsible for good immunity. The higher the number, the better protection against infection.

Helps For Menstrual Problems :
     Mangosteen root has traditionally been used in various parts of Indonesia to control menstruation in women.

Regulates Blood Pressure & Supports Heart Health :
     Are you battling high blood pressure? Is this good news? The very high levels of potassium, copper, magnesium, and manganese in bergamot help control blood pressure. In particular, potassium counteracts the negative effects of excessive salt (sodium) intake It also promotes heart health by maintaining a normal heart rate and eliminating the risk of a heart attack. Mangosteen also lowers cholesterol levels in the body and regulates blood pressure. This is a consequence of heart disease.

Anti-Inflammatory Effect :

     Mangosteen has a high anti-inflammatory effect. Inhibiting histamine and prostaglandin secretion helps fight inflammation. Inflammation can cause colds and flu and increase the pain associated with inflammation.

Improved Skin Care :
     The high antibacterial and antibacterial properties of the main ingredients of mangosteen and xanthone can repair damaged cells, significantly reducing the risk of many skin diseases. And those who overlook the high vitamin C content that promotes skin health. Mangosteen has also been traditionally used to treat acne. Its ability to scavenge free radicals and inhibit cytokine production (the main cause of acne) can help prevent acne on the skin. Mangosteen may also reduce the signs of aging. The signs of aging are also caused by the oxidative stress of free radicals that are effectively counteracted by the antioxidants in mangosteen. The antioxidant catechins are especially effective for your skin by preventing wrinkles and signs of aging.

Stomach Solution :

     Mangosteen are rich in fiber and an effective addition to all digestive problems. Helps prevent constipation. Eating delicious fruit peels and peels has been shown to be effective in relieving diarrhea and dysentery. The high fiber content of the fruit also improves the absorption of good prebiotics in the gut.