Taking too much pain medicine can relieve pain, but it can also affect your immunity. Fortunately, black nightshade can help. Makoy has many names, but its scientific nomenclature is Solanum Americanum. Although the fruits of this plant look like small black berries, according to many experts, they are actually very poisonous. This is why people make kadha by consuming the leaves of this plant by boiling in water. Most commonly, the black nightshade plant is known for its ability to enhance immunity and eliminate pain because it can reduce inflammation and swelling in the body.


Description :
    Makoy is a herb that grows abundantly all over the world. In India, it grows as a weed in all arid regions. It is a short-lived perennial herb native to Eurasia. Makoy is a small, upright, delicate annual herb with soft and smooth branches. It has alternating egg-shaped leaves with white, cream, and violet flowers. 


Nutrition :

100gm Makoy Fruit Contain :

  • Moisture : 82.1
  • Protein : 5.9g
  • Fat : 1g
  • Carbs : 8.9g

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin C
  • Niacin
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus 


Benefits :

Help You Cope With Body Pain & Menstrual Cramps :
     Menstrual cramps and stomach infections are an integral part of our lives. However, you can rely on makoy instead of painkillers. Black nightshades contain antipyretics, most commonly found in painkillers, which can target painful areas and provide relief. According to the above research, this plant also helps relieve stomach pain. If someone is dealing with arthritis in their loved ones and nearby, make sure they consume a mixture made from this plant to treat morning inflammation and stiffness. 

Help Prevent Jaundice :
    The leaves of this plant are rich in antioxidants, which help strengthen the liver of people who consume it on a regular basis. This is why when someone suffers from jaundice or any other liver disease, it is recommended to drink extracts of nightshade plants for faster and better recovery.

Good For Skin :
     The antioxidant and antibacterial properties of plants also play an important role here. The therapeutic qualities of makoy help the regeneration of new skin cells, giving it eternal beauty. In addition, people with skin problems, burns and boils can apply a paste made from the leaves of this plant to achieve a calming effect. In addition, if you have acne problems, using this mask will also help a lot.

Help To Treat UTI :
     The phytochemicals and antibacterial properties of the black nightshade plant make it ideal for those dealing with recurrent UTI. Tract infection. Eating it will increase the production of vaginal secretions and urine, which helps eliminate bacteria and viruses that grow in the vulva.

Control Your Panic :

     Nightshade is essentially a diuretic, which is why it can help him calm down as much as possible. Anxious situation. The oxidizing properties of this plant keep the oxygen content in your body at a high level, so you can control the source of stress. 


Uses :

  • The juice of this herb is commonly used to treat fever and relieve pain.
  • The juice of Makoy leaves is used to treat mouth ulcers. This juice is also used to counteract irregular menstruation.
  • Makoy also helps relieve ear pain.
  • Its fruits are used as cosmetics; because rubbing its seeds on the cheeks helps to eliminate freckles.
  • It is a very good herb for treating asthma because it can remove catarrhal substances and phlegm in the bronchial tubes.
  • It can fight many stomach problems such as stomach cramps, stomach pain and flatulence.

  • Makoy also supports joints by helping to treat rheumatic pain and gout.
  • With the help of Makoy, various skin problems such as acne, psoriasis and freckles can be successfully treated.
  • A decoction made from the leaves and stems of Makoy helps treat hematuria.
  • It is a key ingredient of various drugs used to solve various liver diseases.
  • It also helps treat urinary tract infections because it can increase the secretion and excretion of urine.
  • Various problems related to the oral cavity, such as gum disease and bad breath, can be solved with the help of this herb.
  • The infusion of plants is used as an enema for babies suffering from abdominal discomfort.
  • The decoction of the stem, leaf and root of this herb is beneficial to wounds and cancerous ulcers.
  • Its berries are poisonous, and boiling is believed to destroy it, making them safer for use in preserves, jams and cakes.