The loquat (Eriobotrys japonica) is from China and is famous for its sweet and sour fruit. Loquat is a small, round fruit that grows in clusters. Their color varies from yellow to orange-red, depending on the variety. The loquat seeds and leaves of wool are rich in powerful plant ingredients and have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years.

     Loquat trees rarely exceed 10 m (33 ft) in height and have thick, hard leaves that shrink to the tips of their branches. Oval leaves have serrated edges and are 200-250 mm long. Small fragrant white flowers appear in dense terminal clusters, bearing round, semicircular or pear-shaped fruits 25-75 mm long. They are yellow to bronze in color, and the fruits have a hard shell and contain 3 to 4 large seeds with white-orange pulp. The taste, reminiscent of many other fruits in the family, such as plums and cherries, is quite sour.
     Loquats are usually planted from seeds, but commercial cultivation usually relies on the best type of grafted tree. This tree is propagated by shield branches and forked offspring. You can use coriander root and cuttings. If you need a dwarf tree, the following seeds are used: It grows well on a variety of soils, from sandy loam to loamy, and lives for 3-4 years. Trees are resistant to most diseases and pests, but flowers are somewhat susceptible to fire.

Nutrition : 

One Cup Of Loquat Contain (150g) :

  • Calories : 70
  • Carbs : 18g
  • Fiber : 3g
  • Protein : 1g

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Folate
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Manganese

Benefits : 

Disease Prevention :
     White blood cells are rich in antioxidants and chemicals that protect cells from damage and disease. One study found that loquat leaves have more powerful antioxidant properties than 54 other herbs, and are particularly rich in carotenoid antioxidants that help boost your immune system. A strong immune system is important in fighting disease.

Cancer Prevention :

    Early research suggests that plant fruits and leaves may help prevent cancer. The antioxidants in loquat fruit help regulate the growth of cancerous tumors. Loquat fruit extract kills cancer cells in the body and prevents the formation and spread of tumors. The anticancer effects of Leukort have been demonstrated at the animal and cellular levels, but have not been studied in humans. Loquat is rich in antioxidants, especially those related to vitamin A and beta-carotene. These nutrients reduce the risk of colorectal and lung cancers.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects :
     The plant's leaves, seeds and fruits have been shown to reduce inflammation, the body's overreaction to irritants such as bacteria and allergens. loquat leaves have been used for centuries in Chinese herbal medicine to treat diseases caused by infections such as bronchitis and asthma. Some compounds of loquat such as triterpene acids, reduce inflammation in the body, and some studies have shown that loquat leaf extracts can help reduce chronic bronchitis. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Since most of these studies have been done in animals, it is too early to say with certainty whether humans have the same anti-inflammatory effects as loquat.

Diabetes Prevention and Treatment :
     Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin or the body resists insulin. This can cause very high blood sugar levels (for type 1 diabetes) or too low blood sugar levels (for type 2 diabetes). Several studies have shown that loquat leaf extract can treat and treat type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This is because Loquat can lower blood sugar levels and raise insulin levels.

Reduces Blood Pressure :

     Loquat fruit contains a lot of potassium, which helps to stimulate the blood vessels of the heart system. In this way, you can reduce the pressure on the blood vessels and arteries. Potassium also works to lower your blood pressure and help protect your heart. After all, the health risks of high blood pressure are very real: stroke, heart attack, vision loss, and depression are few. Some believe that potassium is a food for the brain, as well as an increase in the amount of blood flowing to your brain and brain, thus increasing cognition.
Immunity Booster :
     It is well known that vitamin C is a great way to protect you from the cold and flu. Sources of vitamin C include fruits and supplements we can drink or take daily as part of a vitamin diet. Loquat is one of the fruits that gives us good vitamin C. Remember that vitamin C helps in the production of whites. cells, which are the means by which we fight germs. Vitamin C is also essential for the production of collagen, which allows you to repair and build your body's tissues.

Promotes Bone Health :
     As we grow older, we find it difficult to maintain bone health, especially for women after puberty. This causes changes in the way we walk and the way we work. Our discs in Spine, which are in the middle of us. Loquat can help improve health because it demonstrates its ability to help prevent bone loss in different parts of the body. All thanks to the excellent blend of vitamins, nutrients and essential components, as well as their mineral content.

Great For Eyes :

    Loquat fruit contains vitamin A. It can help you maintain eye health. Vitamin A acts as a protective barrier against cataracts and glaucoma. Vitamin A is sometimes used to treat tears, and this vitamin can also help treat a type of inflammation called upper limbic keratoconjunctivitis. Low vitamin A can dry out the cornea, making your face look cloudy. There may also be new rashes or skin lesions. Lack of vitamin A also causes eye damage. Other foods you can eat to get vitamin A daily include carrots and sweet potatoes.