Lemon is a popular fruit that people add in small amounts to food. However, they are difficult to eat just because of their sweet taste. Lemon adds flavor to spices, sauces, dressings, marinades, beverages and desserts, and is an excellent source of vitamin C. One gram 58 (g) Lemon can provide more than 30 milligrams (mg) of vitamin. C. Vitamin C is essential for good health, and deficiencies can lead to

health problems. Early researchers knew this and took lemons on their long journeys to help prevent or treat scurvy, a deadly disease commonly found among sailors. This article examines the nutritional value of lemon, its health benefits, how to use it in the diet, and any diseases that may be present.
     Lemons are rich in vitamin C, fiber, and many beneficial plant compounds, and these nutrients contribute to many health benefits. Lemons may also help with heart health, weight management, and digestion.

Nutrition :

One Lemon Weighing 58 Grams (g) Contain

  • Energy: 16.8 calories (kcal)
  • Carbohydrates: 5.41 g
  • Sugar : 1.45 g

Vitamin & Minerals :

  • Vitamin C
  • Folate
  • Choline
  • Vitamin A
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Selenium

Benefits :
Supports Heart Health :
     Lemons are a great source of vitamin C. Eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C reduces the risk of heart disease. However, vitamin C is not the only one that is thought to be beneficial for the heart. Lemon fiber and phytochemicals may also significantly reduce some risk factors for heart disease.

Helps With Weight Loss :
     Lemons are often referred to as a dietary supplement, and there are few possible causes. The common misconception is that the soluble pectin fiber they have spreads through your stomach, helping you feel more full. That said, not many people eat lem. Since lemon juice does not contain pectin, lemon juice will not promote satisfaction in the same way. Drinking hot water with lemon will help you lose weight. However, drinking water is known to temporarily increase the number of calories you burn. , so maybe it's the water itself that helps with weight loss - not lemon. Plant compounds and lemons may contribute to loss. Mice were fed a diet rich in lemon polyphenols extracted from the skin. They did not gain weight and fat more than other mice.

Kidney Stones :
     Kidney stones are small lumps that form when the waste screams and collects your kidneys. pH of urine, creating an environment unsuitable for kidney failure. Only 1/2 cup (4 ounces or 125 ml) of lemon juice per day can provide enough citric acid to help prevent stone formation in those who have them. Lemonade to prevent kidney stones.


Protect Yourself Against Anemia :
     Anemia is more common. It happens if you do not get enough iron in the food you eat. Lemons contain iron, but they prevent anemia by improving iron intake from plant foods. Your stomach absorbs iron from meat, poultry, and fish (called heme machines) easily, while iron from weak plants. However, this pill can be ingested using vitamin C and citric acid. Since lemons contain vitamin C and citric acid, they can protect against anemia by making sure you get as much iron as possible from your diet.

Improve Health :
     Lemons contain about 10% carbohydrates, mostly in the form of fiber-rich solars and simple sugars. The main fiber in lemons is pectin, a type of soluble fiber that has many health benefits. Soluble can improve health. and reduce the digestion of sugars and starches. These effects can lead to a drop in blood sugar levels. But, to get the benefits of fiber and lemon, you need to eat pulp. People who drink juice of lemon juice, without fiber in the pulp, will shift to the side of the value of the string.

Promotes Hydration :

     According to the Bureau of Nutrition, general guidelines state that women should eat at least 91 ounces per day and men should eat at least ounces 125. This includes water from food and drink. Water is the best drink for hydration, but some people do not like its taste. Lemon juice enhances the taste of water, which can help you drink more.

Good Source Of Vitamin C :
     Citrus fruits like lemon are rich in vitamin C, a major antioxidant that helps protect cells from harmful free radicals. You may have heard that vitamin C can help prevent or reduce the cold in some people, but studies are contradictory. Vitamin C can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke, as well as lower blood pressure. In the list of citrus fruits rich in vitamin C, they are still a good source.

Improve Skin :
     Vitamin C in lemons can help reduce wrinkles, dry skin due to aging, and sun damage. The way water moisturizes the skin is controversial, but one thing is for sure. If your skin loses moisture, it becomes dry and often has wrinkles.

Breath Freshens :
     Have you ever rubbed lemon on your hands to remove garlic odor or other bad smells? A folk remedy can be added for the fragrant energy of a solid food such as garlic, onion, or fish. Can prevent bad breath by drinking a glass of lemon juice after breakfast and early in the morning. Lemon is believed to stimulate water retention, and water helps prevent dry mouth, which can lead to a foul-smelling odor.